Hello Mr. Officer
Getting elected to an office is just a beginning.
Earning a positive image and achieving an impressive performance is what one must look forward to.
It calls for serving with distinction; taking up challenging assignments and experiencing new learning.
One has to create milestones. Not merely to go down in history as success stories but more to provide direction to many other. That's Leadership!
It's too expensive a deal not to encash this opportunity. The OFFICER is here to equip you with traits that can build and shape a better YOU.
The future you've been looking forward to, can begin here. Goals to achieve growth can be set here. Desire to create success stories can be kindled here.
No book is a total guide. It's a reference point for you to get new ideas and aim at newer accomplishments.
OFFICER can be a good reference point. Carry with it. Helps you perform better. All the best... Dear Officer!
Congratulations! You have been chosen to handle an exciting assignment in Junior Chamber... the assignment of being an officer.
You are about to enter a completely different world in your Leadership career.
Take a look around you. Thousands of Jaycees. Hundreds of LOMs. And YOU. The person who has been chosen to lead Indian Junior Chamber in your region/zone. The ambassador of Junior Chamber. The most vital link between the chapter and IJC.
It’s a great recognition. A professional image builder. And a success story writer for the family too.
It certainly is an achievement you have to be proud about. An officer is looked up with respect. It is an opportunity to grow; to care; to share and to be possessed with the invaluable gift of an ideal image.
But not all officers command respect. Not all really grow up. Not all carry a positive image. Why???
One reason is that there is no willingness in all to "earn" that image. Respect always goes with the position. But more important is the person. If you are accepted wholeheartedly; received well and considered by the people you lead as a role model in leadership... you will be flooded with respect that brings you the satisfaction of the ideal image... the pride of being an officer.
Sometimes the power conferred on the Officer is misused or makes a person rather arrogant and unfriendly or even biased. This could lead towards the creation of a negative image.
Now that you are an officer ... start off the right way! You are at crossroads that can lead you in any direction. You've got to pick up the right path. And travel at the right pace. With the right attitude. And with the right strategy.
Pick the path that says "Quality first"…. That's got the right ambience and keep going.
It is a matter of immense pride: To be an officer… To lead the organization... To develop leaders... To leave behind a legacy... To grow with the organization...Earn love... Earn Success... Earn Respect- From your friends… From your well wishers... From your admirers… And more important from your critics. That's the leadership challenge.
Leadership is not about doing it yourself. It is building relationships with others, relationships based upon the following:
a) HONESTY: Without exception, the attribute all the members appreciate the most is HONESTY and its corollary, consistence. Followers need to know where they stand with a Leader. They want leaders they can trust and believe. Without their trust, the team falls apart. Honest leaders are worthy of our trust because their words are supported by consistent action.
b) COMPETENCE: Competence emerges next as an essential quality followers look for in a leader. Regardless of the type of business, followers need to know their leader has a comprehensive grasp of the operation. They want leaders who thoroughly understand their constituents and their organization and know how to make things happen.
c) INSPIRATION: People want and need leaders who are inspiring. It is not enough for the leader to have dreams for the future. Leaders must be able to communicate their dreams with enthusiasm and excitement to inspire their followers to go after those dreams with them.
d) VISION: Followers agree that their leaders are effective because they look ahead. Followers depend on their leader’s vision to give them a common sense of direction. Good leaders not only make their followers aware of the "Big picture", they help them to understand their place and importance in the picture.
Honesty, Competence, Inspiration and vision... all essential qualities followers expect in a leader. How these expectations are met or not met is what determines the credibility factor. Credibility may well be one of the most difficult attributes for a leader to earn, and the easiest to lose.
In our day to day working with the membership of this organization the application of leadership can fetch us the desired results. It’s like the soil in farming. Irrespective of the quality of seeds that are planted, the watering that is done or the pesticides that are used... unless the soil is fertile the yield cannot be rich.
Leadership, here is just that. It helps you to equip yourself with the science that goes with your day to day working and makes your GETTING ALONG easier and effective and puts you in the WINNERS’ TRACK.
An important aspect is to be a ROLE MODEL. A LEADER who can inspire and is emulated. It is your actions that will earn you the image of a ROLE MODEL.
"People may doubt what you say. But they will believe what you do"
How could you grow up to be a Role Model?
Ever heard of "Leading by Example"???
If you have, get going right away. If you haven't, start now.
Never will Leading by Example be more important than now. It is a time to show the right values; the true qualities of Leadership. Members will follow what they see in their Leaders, and it is the responsibility of the current ones to make sure a new generation of Leaders grows up the right basic values.
Can there be a greater Pride than contributing to this unique purpose of developing the future generations?
Yes ... Dear Officer. You must feel that pride. It is so satisfying and rewarding.
GROWING UP ... a matter of PRIDE too.
Take a look at the officers this organization has produced. Every year a new set of Zone Councilors or Zone Presidents' take over.
And what really happens to the others???
Very few grow up to handle higher responsibilities. The Organization and Yourself, collectively invest so much in shaping you as an officer, and should you not measure up to take greater responsibilities; the investment is not fully reaped.
YOU must look ahead with positivism. Your performance is with you. The organization belongs to you... you can avoid getting hit. Time is in your control. The urge to grow up and take up even more challenging assignments also comes from within you. It is all up to you. Remember...
"If it is to be, it is up to me"
The pride of growing up; the pride of new success stories; the pride of measuring up... it is an invaluable treasure that can open up and enrich your career.
'Winners must have two things. Definite goals and a burning desire to achieve them". Coca Cola; Colgate; Mercedez Benz; Sony...
Names of winners that evoke a strong and positive image. A brand that's more than just a name. A goodwill in itself.
Gandhi; John F. Kennedy; Nelson Mandela; Mother Theresa ....
Winners who were different from the rest People whose actions had earned them the distinction of a global image.
People or Brand names... the recall is always related to image.
Junior Chamber is an outstanding opportunity for you to develop an image you can be proud of.
Leadership is the key. And YOU Mr. Officer are the leader, today... For ... YOU are in CONTROL. Take Charge.
You are placed in a situation where the combination of your authority and your initiative must influence the group to achieve the end objective. Every one of us does possess this quality. And we have to keep developing it.
You have this unique opportunity to also lead formally. And as such, it is imperative that you are a WINNER... and a good one too. Your leadership has to produce results, fulfill organizational objectives, accomplish your own goals, help YOU and the ORGANIZATION grow, and above all, enhance OUR image.
Leader in a Leadership Development organization means a lot more. A lot more indeed. Hence the challenge becomes even tougher.
It’s the art of getting along that can take you places and make the accomplishment of your goals, easier.
* Leadership is motivation
* Leadership is delegation
* Leadership is team building
* Leadership is achieving goals
* Above all, leadership is leading people to success
And it’s GETTING ALONG that you need to work on. The key is to understand that YOU ARE THE LEADER of all your chapters. Not just the ones that elected you. GETTING ALONG is a way of life for you in the next 365 days.
Many have been officers of junior Chamber. Very many have been members for over a decade. The key questions are...
*How many of these officers or senior Jaycees can state our Mission or Founder’s Perspective?
*How many of these officers can give the philosophy of "Why" this particular "Mission" or "Perspective" "or" "Creed"
Being an Officer is not merely holding of an office. It is displaying a strong knowledge base to those Jaycees who lock up to you and treat you as an ideal role model.
You too are an officer, now. Can you answer these questions positively??
To make it easier for you given below are a few key base subjects which must be mastered by you. You can use it in your speeches; in your training or even during your orientation.
The Purpose of Junior Chamber, inspired by the Declaration of Principles is:
“To contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, entrepreneurship, social responsibility and fellowship necessary to create a POSTIVE CHANGE.
The Organization operates on the premise that the development of individual character and personality will result in communities that are better developed and eventually in a more peaceful world.
Most educational institutions focus on the passing of an examination and the amassing of degrees rather than the development of personalities. It is said the purpose of education is to prepare the individual for "life", not just to be able to perform a job.
Life is much more than just doing a job. Life is caring, sharing, loving, understanding and communicating. Junior chamber strives to complete any lack in the development of its individual members.
The dream of Junior Chamber is clearly expressed in the words of our founder, "Henry Giessenbier" who said:
"From within the walls of the soul of this organization, wherein the foundation of character and good citizenship are laid, I hops a message will come forth in the sometime of tomorrow that will stir the people towards the establishment of a permanent and everlasting world peace".
Giessenbier had the foresight to believe that character and citizenship could contribute toward a permanent world peace. His dream and purpose of Junior Chamber were to offer the membership opportunities that would build strong, positive characters and a series of citizenship, not only for communities, cities and countries, but for the world.
Now to market ourselves to the common man and to non Jaycee, we should not forget our strength and we should tell the whole world about the capability of our organization to undertake any training programme or development programme. The recent successes and overwhelming response all over the country for LEADERSHIP 21st Century clearly indicates the acceptability of our programmes among the public. Moreover, we have awakened a sleeping giant by addressing to their immediate need of developing the school children through informal education. The 1996 NALANDA had TEN seats for Corporate Sector. All of them were sold out, though they were priced THIRTEEN TIMES HIGHER. They all went back, feeling great and were ready to participate in such events. ABLE has attracted many businessmen in the years. Such programmes and corporate training programmes should continue which will result in creating an identity for our organization. Thus, in 5 years we will surely be known as the strongest training outfit in the country. We are even now the strongest, but hardly anyone knows. As of now, we are content with the occasional parts on our backs from the society.
Let us start improving whatever we are doing. Let us bring in quality in our training programmes. Let us find out what the society needs and tailor our programmes to these needs so as to gain acceptance from the public.
If Jaycees are asked this question - "What is Junior Chamber?” You will get different answers from them. Some may even tell you - "Oh, we are like the Rotary and the Lions". We cannot be farther than this from truth. This happens because a clear cut definition does not exist in the minds of ordinary Jaycees. The 13 worded statement - "A GLOBAL YOUNG PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION PROVIDING INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO BE BETTER CITIZENS" - has cleared the situation for many. What more is required is a concentrated effort to make our organization the premier leadership development organization in the country. WE should find that slot and fix our organization in that slot. Once the society accepts us as the premier training outfit for young people, a strong identity will emerge. In marketing parlance we should have POSITIONED ourselves as the organization which trains, develops and supplies leaders.
Let us position ourselves as a training and leadership development organization. Let us reaffirm that TRAINING IS OUR MAIN BUSINESS.
Let us always answer the question of our members - both current and prospective - WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME ?
Otherwise, most of us will still have to listen to the standard question...
JUNIOR CHAMBER !!!...........................WHAT IS IT?
Over 2500 trainers ..............
Over 10000 training programmes in a year Over 1000 branches in the country ...............
What more can a leadership development organization hope for? We pride ourselves as the prime training organization for the youth.
And yet, we are not known in the circles we should be known. For instance, ministry of HRD, the various institutes of management education, professional and corporate organizations, etc., never know existence of such an organization.
Where did we go wrong?
Why are we considered as yet another social service organization only?
The fault lies in us only. The fault lies in the way we had been projecting our organization. The fault lies in the way we have marketed our organization.
Here comes the greatest challenge. The challenge of marketing an organization like ours. Even before this, try to understand what marketing is all about us as far as our organization is concerned.
Peter Drucker very correctly says that the aim of marketing is to make selling unnecessary.
This is absolutely true. The minute people come to you asking for membership, you can be rest assured that you have marketed the idea of joining Junior Chamber. It means you do not have to sell the idea by pressurizing individual to join the organization. The next time you conduct an orientation programme, just ask the participants honestly answer the basic reason as to why they joined the chapter. Most of them will mention that the Jaycee friends influenced them. Yes, it is here we commit the mistake of selling and not marketing the organization.
How do we go about marketing our organization?
It should not be concluded that none of our chapters market the idea well. There are some chapters who have reaped the fruits of successful marketing. There is a chapter which initiated a three month practical business management orientation programme. Eight batches have completed the certificate programme which is organised in association with the local unit of Chamber of Commerce. The average age of the participants in this programme is around 25 years and every batch has given the chapter at least 5 members and as many Junior Jaycees. The chapter never had to ask for membership and run around for membership increase. It just came. There are more examples like this. But, rather than being the exceptions, such chapters should grow in number. This situation should become the order of the day. Only then, we can boast about quality membership. For this, we require a coordinated marketing plan so as to benefit the chapters all over the country.
What does marketing activity involve?
It involves the study of the market, segmenting the market according to groups; targeting the groups you want to address, presenting yourself, and offering a service that meets the needs out here. In short marketing is finding out the needs and filling them. In contrast, selling is presenting a set of products or service you already have, into the market and pushing it down the throats of customers who do not need them. This cardinal mistake has affected our organization. We often to talk about our features. We tell our prospective members that we have this, that and the other, hoping that they will take it. Often, this does not work.
Instead, let us find our market. The group is young persons between the age of 18 and 40. Ideally, we should target the youth between the age of 18 and 30 so that they have a longer period to remain active in the organization.
Let us look at the strategy to bring that targeted group into our fold. First of all, our orientation programme should be revamped. When the prospective member comes to an orientation programme, he/she is not interested in the history, constitution, organizational structure and current facts. Many times, these features repeatedly told in the orientation programmes, scare the prospective members away. This information could be passed on to them in the subsequent session. The first session should try to answer the fundamental question every customer asks.
What is in it for me? WIIFM
Let us empathize and find out what interests him or her. Once you answered this question, you would start marketing Junior Chamber. To answer this question, we will have to probe, find out and recognize the needs of the prospective members. They get truly interested when they listen to the benefits and advantages they will enjoy. Slowly, with examples and experiences, place them in the picture of success and let them visualize the success. By this, you are transforming the need of that individual into a craving desire.
1910 - The organization began in St. Louis. Missouri, USA. The founder Henry Giessenbier had formed the Herculaneum Dance Club with the purpose of bringing about the social elevation of its members.
1915- The first step towards the creation of the Jaycee movement
was taken when 32 young men met at the Mission It lnn in St. Louis on October 13th, 1915 to form the Young Men’s Progressive Civic Association with Giessenbier as its president.
1916 - In August the organization’s name was changed to Junior Citizens and it was at this time that the initials "JC" were first utilized.
1918 - An affiliation with the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce developed, and the name Junior Chamber was adopted.
1920 - On January 21 & 22, the first national organization, the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce (USJCC), was formed. Twenty-nine Clubs around the nations were in attendance and elected Henry Giessenbier as the first National President.
1920 - 1944: The Jaycee movement crossed international borders. Organizations were formed in many countries including Canada. England, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, and Colombia. Many actions were taken to form a Junior Chamber International, including the creation of the International Executive Council at Junior Chambers of Commerce formed at the Olympic Games in 1932.
1944 - The Junior Chamber International was born in Mexico City, Mexico, during December 7 to 11. Witnesses to the birth of the organization were 30 delegates from North and Central America. Raul Garcia Vidal was elected the first president.
1946 - In February, the first JCI World Congress was held in Panama City, Panama with an attendance of 44 delegates from 16 countries. At this time, a constitution was drafted.
The year was 1946; the place, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA: the event, the United States Junior Chamber National Convention. Visitors come from Canada, Mexicom South America, Europe and the Phillippine islands. It was here that the idea of JCI creed was born.
Past President of the Ohio Junior Chamber and National Vice President of the United States Junior Chamber C. Wiliiam Brownfield realized at this convention that the organization did not have a Creed. He was inspired by the devotion of Junior Chamber members "to the not purpose of serving mankind in a thousand different ways, right down at the grass roots where freedom lives or dies"
Brownfield saw Junior Chamber as "the potential for a new force in the world, once capable of changing the balance between victory or defeat for our chosen way of life in a time of crisis"
At the 1946 National Convention of United States Junior Chamber, the need to have a creed was felt by C. Wiliiam Brownfield who authored the Creed. In its original text, the creed had only FIVE tenets without the first tenet ... "Faith in God". It was only in 1950 that this tenet was added to make it a SIX TENET CREED.
The brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations.
Economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise.
The first line was not a part of the Creed Brownfield had conceived in 1946. It was in 1950 the first line “We believe that faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life was added.”
The author himself said “Every member is free to interpret the creed in the light of his own conscience.”
The following interpretation is based on Brownfield’s own views and what is commonly believed and understood to be the meaning of the Creed to the organization.
Government should be of laws rather than of men.
Earth’s great treasure lies in human personality.
Service to humanity is the best work of life.
“We believe”
Everyone must believe in some ideal, principal or philosophy. To believe is to practice what is believed to be true.
".. That Faith in God gives Meaning and Purpose to Human Life..."
"God" here does not refer to any specific religious God, but to a supreme omnipotence. It does not matter who or what your God is; the line is just saying that you must believe in something. Brownfield's own interpretation is:
The Jaycee membership, drawn from many religious backgrounds, is united by a common bond of faith; that man lives by the will of (his/her) God, that God's will for man is good; and that the life worthwhile is lived in harmony with his eternal plan.
"That Brotherhood of Man Transcends the Sovereignty of Nations…"
This line breaks down all the boundaries that have been imagined by man. It simply means that all men and women are equal. It respects allegiance to one's country, but at the same time reinforces the idea that man is citizen of the world.
Man made boundaries have been drawn and redrawn, separating the human race into many nations. But across these unnatural divisions there has been an intercourse in art, science, commerce, and religion; evidence of man's universal brotherhood; proof that man himself, not his territorial divisions, is of basic worth.
“That Economic Justice can best be won by Free Man through Free Enterprise...”
The operative words here are "can best be won". The Jaycees believe that man should be free to use his skills and ability to the limit in improving his economy. Brownfield makes the point:
Where economic improvement has been greatest, man has been free to follow his dream of making a personnel fortune by doing something never done before, or by doing it better.
He adds further clarity with the following:
But the system of self-development through private enterprise could be adapted with variations to suit local conditions in many parts of the world.
“That Government should be of Laws rather than of Man…”
This tenet of the Creed simply means that no man should be above the law, and that the law should be the same for all men no matter what status they may hold in society. The government must be based on constitutional law, accepted and ratified by the majority of the people. The power to change laws and elect government should remain in the hands of the majority of the people.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, spoke of a Government "of the people, for the people and by the people." This line of the Jaycee Creed crystallizes what President Lincoln was talking about so many decades ago.
In a free society the fundamental law is derived from the people. It is they who hold the final authority.
"That Earth's Great Treasure Lies in Human Personality…"
Every individual has a separate and unique personality. That is the main difference between humans and other things in this world. That uniqueness makes the human personality earth's great treasure. It cannot be duplicated nor can it be made.
Brownfield's views on this line are:
True treasure lies in the hearts of men. There is about us a vast field opportunity for cultivation of the human personality. It is neither the quantity nor the length of life that gives it best but the quality of living, the achievement we make in terms of human progress.
“And That Service to Humanity is the Best work of Life…"
This, the final tenet of the Jaycee Creed, is a logical culmination to the preceding lines. A person who believes in the Creed will most definitely find service to humanity, not just friends and family.
Brownfield's interpretation to these concluding lines of his Creed is: ".
The life used unselfishly grows richer, deeper and fuller. Joy is more during and peace of mind, more certain. The world looks at the contribution such a life has made and marks the one who Jived it has a benefactor of the race; yet he knows in truth the greater benefit has been .his own.
No matter what a member's interpretation of the Creed may be, he should always practice what he believes. Many unsuccessful attempts have been made to change the Creed, but it has prevailed through the years. It continues to exist as the covenant that holds the organization together. Many members have made the Creed their guide in life.
Brownfield aptly summarized his interpretation of the Creed when he said:
“Only in the deed can the work become flesh!”
A senator is a life member of Junior Chamber International. It is an award conferred on an individual member for his outstanding contribution that has made Junior Chamber, stronger.
JCI Senate is an institution of Senators. It was formed through the efforts of Phil Pugsley, the 1951 JCI President, at the 7th JCI World Congress, in Melbourne, Australia.
At every World Congress, Senators are hosted a DINNER.
It was during 1969 that the current World Headquarters was built in Coral Gables, Florida, USA to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Jaycees International. It is a five stored building which has various departments. A highly professional team manages the WHO. The reception area of the WHQ is very impressive with the National Flags of the entire member Nations.
It is headed by Mr. Benny Ellerbe, who is the current Secretary General.
JCI WHQ has an interesting origin too.
It was during 1953 that the first permanent World Headquarters was established at the US Jaycees War Memorial Headquarters building in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Philip Van Slyck was hired as JCl's first full-time Secretary General.
Later during 1955 the rapidly growing World Headquarters moved to its own building on Miami Beach, Florida, USA.
From Young Men Progressive Civic organization to JC to Junior Chamber to Jaycees Inter. national has been a journey of our name. Junior Chamber came into existence because 01 our initial affiliation with the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce during 1918. It continued till 1972.
It was during 1972 at the 27thJCI World Congress in Taipei, the organization's name was changed from Junior Chamber International to Jaycees International. But thereafter, NOMs all over the world were following different titles. Some called it Junior Chamber while some "Jaycees International" though the International had changed it to "Jaycees International".
To stop the dual style of being recognised in the community, the 1988 Sydney World Congress General Assembly adopted a motion to rename the organization as JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL with a request that all other member nations change their titles to Junior Chamber. As a result, currently, our organization is known by one common name, all over, JUNIOR CHAMBER and International, National & Local levels.
Similarly, IJC was known as INDIAN JUNIOR CHAMBER from 1949 till 1972, when at the Madurai National Convention, We had changed over to "Indian Jaycees" In view of the renaming at Sydney Congress, the 1988 National Convention General Assembly at Bombay renamed Indian Jaycees as "INDIAN JUNIOR CHAMBER"?
It was during 1983, honorees were recognised at the first TOYP (The outstanding Young Persons), Ceremony at the 38th JCI World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan. Thereafter, JCI Promoted TOYP continuously and linked it up with the NOM recommendations.
Many NOMs have different titles for NATIONAL AWARDS, In India it is TOYI, which stands for TEN OUTSTANDING YOUNG INDIANS.
Through the initiative of Mr. Segunda Mapa, A phillipino, Junior Chamber first came to India at Calcutta. Thereafter, the two LOMs that came up were at New Delhi & Madras.
Initially, our National Secretariat was located at Bombay. It was duri!1g 1975 that we had bought our own premises at New Delhi at Nehru Place, which compelled the shifting of NS from Bombay to New Delhi. The Key purpose was to strengthen our ties with the Government of India and build a strong local Jaycee organization at our Capital City.
However, based on the decision of the NGB during 1990 at Kodaikanal, the NS was shifted to Bombay, We closed down the Delhi office and functioned at a rented premises in Juhu, Bombay. Later, during 1994, we had purchased and moved into our premises of Borivali, Bombay, where our own headquarter is located.
National Headquarter
Junior Chamber International India
2nd Floor, Ami Kalash, Ami Complex, I.C. Colony Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai 400 103
Tel (022) 28913355, 28912354 Fax: (022) 28910807
E-mail: ijcns@vsnl.com Free E-mail Service: ijcmail.com
Website: www.ijc.org
www. zonexijaycees.org
The New Delhi property continues to be the property of INDIAN JUNIOR CHAMBER and the premises is been leased out.
For a long time in IJC, we had effectively promoted the organization through a National Network. The System that was used was that at the National Convention, 15-17 Vice President were elected by the electoral college comprising of all the Chief Delegates of IJC. Thereafter, these Vice Presidents were assigned various Zones. The area could have been the local area within the state or any other area too. For instance, a person from Hyderabad was assigned an area as far as Goa. This particular system worked very well and the organization was well known in the community for its outstanding image.
The respect shown to a Vice President was superb. All Vice President's were members of the NGB along with the NEC.
However, for just one year, during 1981, the system changed and during 1980. Zone conferences were held all over the country to elect a Zone President for 1981. An area, similar to the one in existence was created and the ZP was its leader. But very soon, at the conferences held during 1981 itself, chaired by the Zone Presidents, State System was brought into force and state Presidents for 1982 were elected based on a CAPMAR recommendation. The political States were identified as the areas for convenience except the North Eastern area which was identified as ONE STATE.
During 1989, the process to have an award similar to TOYP but only for members had begun. The purpose was that we must award a Jaycee for achieving professional excellence, since our organization always depicted a Leadership Training Organization.
Unfortunately, during the same year, the current State President of IJC from Punjab passed away due to a Car accident while on a Jaycee assignment. The Yercaud NGB, decided to name the PROFESSIONAL excellence award after this Jaycee and came up the award "KAMAL PATRA".
During 1949, JCI had come into India. The problems between IJC & JCI began during 1983, primarily due to the Government stand on not allowing us to remit the subscription in US dollars, as required by JCI. The matter worsened, year after year and JCI refused to receive our dues in Indian Rupees. We were disaffiliated by a resolution of the JCI EXCOM during 1986 and thereafter by the General Assembly at the 1986 World Congress.
But thanks to the initiative taken by the Japan Junior Chamber, JCI received our application during 1988 for Provisional membership once again, and at the 1988 Sydney World congress we were admitted provisionally without any voting rights. The 1989 Birmingham Congress, witnessed Indian Junior Chamber getting its full affiliation with total voting rights:
Till 1994, there were only FOUR areas to Opportunity. Individual; Management; Community & Internationalism.
At the recommendation of the Strategic Planning Committee formed during 1994, at the 1994 World Congress, JCI adopted the motion to create a FIFTH area of opportunity, BUSINESS.
Today, the world over, BUSINESS as an area of opportunity, is attracting an excellent response and is earmarked to further strengthen the effort of Junior Chamber and the International Business Network that has been created.
Management of Junior Chamber in the past has tremendous impact on the Chapters, IJC, as part of its systems, was laying extremely significant emphasis on the Commission system to be adopted by the Chapters.
Over the years, many chapters have done away with the Commission system. Many chapters that have now been formed are not even property aware of how the Areas of Opportunity can work through the commission system.
As such, the Zone Presidents & Zone Vice Presidents can play an effective role in the reintroduction of Commission system at all chapters. It is believed that such a system will strengthen the management of chapters and involve more members in the chapter management.
As such this article is brought in here, for the benefit of our officers:
The learning experience of Junior Chamber members revolves around the five Areas of Opportunity, which concept, based upon the principles and mission, can be considered the cornerstone of Junior Chamber.
The key word is "Opportunity", which advocates voluntary involvement of Junior Chamber members within any of the Areas. The concept applies at any level of the organization, but it is at the chapter level where it produces the best results. The promise is that it is the responsibility of each national organization and chapter to provide opportunities to its members.
Following are the five Areas of Opportunity:
To provide the opportunity for the Individual Members to realize his or her personal potential through training programs.
To develop the managerial skills of the Individual Member by offering managerial training and actual experience as a leader at all levels of the organization.
To develop the sensitivity of the Individual Member to societal problems and knowledge of community dynamics in solving these problems through actual experience.
To provide the opportunity for the Individual Member to contribute to the development of goodwill, understanding, and cooperation among all peoples.
To provide the opportunity for members to contribute to the development of the economic infrastructure, prosperity and wellbeing of all nations.
JCI recommends that, in order to organize the activities in a balanced and orderly manner, chapters should arrange and conduct their programs under the following commissions established under the five Areas of Opportunity:
*Leadership Development Commission
*Trainers Commission
*Officer Training Commission
.* Finance Commission
* Records Commission
* Membership Growth and Extensions Commissions
* Strategic Planning Commission
* Awards Commission
* Meetings Commission
* Marketing and Public Relations Commission.
* JCI Major Emphasis Theme Commission
* Community Development and Involvement Commission
* Economic Affairs Commission
* Children and youth Commission
* Governmental and Civic Affairs Commission.
* International Affairs and Relations Commission
* Chapter Twinning Commission
* JCI Meetings Commission
* Business Affairs Commission
* International Business Council
It is recommended that chapters appoint chairman for each of the above commissions. Each chairman will coordinate the activities of the project and programs under his or her commission and report to the respective Area of Opportunity Vice President.
One Vice president for each Area of opportunity should be elected, with the responsibility to supervise the activities and coordinate the efforts of the commission chairmen, However, where the required number of Vice Presidents is not desired to FIVE, a Vice President can be assigned more than one area.
In small chapters, it may be difficult to establish all 20 commissions and elect five Vice Presidents, In this case, only some of the commissions may be established, or one person can act as chairman of more than one commission.
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