Monday, November 19, 2007

Jc HGF Vividh Pawaskar ZVP JCI Zone XI

Projects for Progress

Projects for Progress

Junior Chamber International
Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders and EntrepreneursINDEX

1. THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT.................................................................. 4

2. THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AREA OF OPPORTUNITY....................................... 5


4. HOW TO ORGANIZE A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT................................... 7

5. THE RECURRING PROJECT AND THE NEW PROJECT...................................................... 9

6. HOW TO GENERATE SUPPORT FOR YOUR PROJECT.................................................... 11

7. PROMOTING THE JUNIOR CHAMBER PROJECT............................................................. 12

8. DIRECT ACTION PROJECT VS. CATALYTIC ACTION PROJECT.................................... 13

9. THE ROLE OF FINANCE AND PUBLIC RELATIONS........................................................ 14

10. THE JCI PROJECT PLANING PROCESS............................................................................. 15

STEP I: SURVEY................................................................................................................... 15

STEP II: ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................. 19

STEP III: PLANNING............................................................................................................ 19

STEP IV: ACTION................................................................................................................. 21

STEP V: EVALUATION AND RECORDING........................................................................ 22

11. APPENDIXES........................................................................................................................ 24

Appendix I : Project Planning Form- Project Proposal................................................................ 24

Appendix II : Project Planning Form- Major Objectives.............................................................. 25

Appendix III : Project Planning Form- Budget............................................................................ 26

Appendix IV : Project Planning Form- Committee organizational chart........................................ 27

Appendix V : Project Planning Form- Committee Summary of Action......................................... 28

Appendix VI : Project Planning Form- Completed Project Report................................................ 29

Note: The use of he or his in this guide implies both genders.

Copyright © 2004 by Junior Chamber International. All rights reserved.
The JCI Community Development Guide
2004 Edition


The 20th century finds mankind in a world of rapid change. There is a meeting of the sophisticated and the backward. People everywhere are demanding a better life and a greater share of the good things. This is the turbulence that we find today in the world community. It is widely known, however, that the power to advance lies in the hands of the people. All that is necessary to satisfy these human aspirations is leadership! Leadership is a quality that Junior Chamber members are best equipped to provide. So the call goes out to thousands of Junior Chamber chapters in more than 100 countries and territories to identify themselves firmly with the hopes and needs of their communities. To do so we must not think in terms of community service but in terms of Community Leadership.

Ever since the formation of the Junior Chamber movement in 1915 in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., members have made leadership in the community one of their major objectives. Since then, local Junior Chambers have expressed their concern for the welfare of their fellow citizens by conducting hundreds of projects that have formed the basis of Junior Chamber activity throughout the world. This activity has developed into an all-compassing program we call Community Development. The highest form of community leadership is known as the “catalytic action” project, whereby the chapter coordinates a group of people and organizations to achieve a major community objective previously considered to be beyond its capability.

Projects for Progress will guide you and your chapter toward the realization of a community leadership role through the effective implementation of a balanced community program. This balance should be maintained between the more comprehensive catalytic action and the smaller, direct action projects. As well, there must be a balance between projects that care for people and those that care for the environment.

This manual is designed to assist you in becoming more effective in your role as a community leader. It includes guidelines for members working on community projects at local and national levels. It is developed particularly for national and local officers and project chairmen in charge of Community Development programs. This manual intends to provide members with the necessary tools to prove that grass-roots efforts can make a difference locally, nationally and internationally.

Projects for Progress is one of several publications prepared by the Junior Chamber International World Headquarters. It is our hope that you will find these guides valuable in your chapter’s efforts to conduct better community projects. We welcome your comments, criticisms, and suggestions so that we may continually improve our services to you. Let us know your chapter’s needs, and our professional staff will be happy to assist you. Please be specific in your requests so that we can provide you with pertinent suggestions, publications, and advice. We are here to help you in whatever way we can. Follow this manual and achieve the greatest satisfaction of all . . . making your community a better place for your family, your neighbors and yourself!

Secretary General
Junior Chamber International (JCI), Inc.

The Community Development concept was conceived in 1957 and adopted as a major program of Junior Chamber International at the 1959 JCI World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since that time, Community Development has been adopted by most National Organizations. At the 1970 JCI World Congress in Dublin, Ireland, Community Development became a permanent and continuing program of Junior Chamber International. Finally, it was incorporated into the Areas of Opportunity concept and into the Commission System as the Community Development Area of Opportunity.

Community Development is one of the tools used to advance the conditions and way of living of the people. The term has been used to describe a particular method of work or a set of techniques; a comprehensive process aimed at increasing human prosperity.

For members of Junior Chamber, Community Development is a program whereby they can combine efforts with their fellow citizens to identify community needs and address them through action projects.

No matter how large or small a chapter may be, it can conduct some kind of a Community Development program. This is true because the chapter determines the size of the community project based upon its own resources.

The Junior Chamber vision of Community Development emphasizes leadership as a stimulus for people to discover their full potential to contribute to the community.

This guide outlines specific programs under the Community Area of Opportunity. After reading the text and reviewing its project ideas, the members of any chapter should be able to provide the initiative, imagination and practical experience to transfer the principles of Junior Chamber into effective operation in their community.

Junior Chamber has often been referred as “an organization of opportunities,” possibly because the opportunities available within the organization are so numerous it would take a lifetime to experience them all. The vehicles that all chapters utilize to offer opportunities are based on the Areas of Opportunity: Individual, Community, International and Business.


Projects are successfully developed and conducted in each of these Areas, and, as the members dedicate themselves to these projects, they acquire experience and encounter opportunities leading to their overall development.

This guide will focus entirely on the Community Area of Opportunity and indicate how members can best develop their leadership skills by involving themselves in community programs and projects.

As stipulated in Policy 18-1 of the JCI Policy Manual, the terms of reference for the Community Development Area of Opportunity are:

“To develop the sensitivity of the Individual Member to societal problems and the knowledge of community dynamics in solving those problems through actual experience.”

The main purpose of this Area is to provide members with a chance to work for and with the member’s community.

Through actual experience members become more aware of, and sensitive to, the needs and assets of their community. They are granted an opportunity to meet preeminent individuals in the community and to come in contact with the general public. Nonetheless, the most valuable aspect of this Area is undoubtedly the opportunity to make a concrete contribution to one’s environment and fellowman.

This Area offers innumerable possibilities for Junior Chamber members to be of great benefit to their community while simultaneously providing the ideal workshop for putting into practice the skills they have been acquiring in their individual development and management courses. Members participating in community projects survey the needs of their community and subsequently organize projects to satisfy these needs.

It is obviously the responsibility of every chapter to provide opportunities for its members under the Community Area while creating an equal balance in its programming between all five Areas of Opportunity. Since the beginning of the Junior Chamber movement, Community Development programs have been the cornerstone of activity. The first community program conducted worldwide was “Operation Warmth” in 1953, for which over 22,000 blankets were collected to assist the earthquake victims in the Ionian Islands near Greece.

In this age of rapid development, effective community management is more of a complex challenge than it ever was, and the need for trained and efficient community managers is more urgent than ever.

What separates Junior Chamber from other community service organizations are the numerous programs Junior Chamber offers under the Areas of Opportunity and the emphasis placed on community leadership and initiative as a means of providing a more specific contribution to the community. For every member Community Development and Leadership Development are complementary and go hand in hand.


The community benefits from an effective Junior Chamber Community Development program. Many of the Community Development projects have resulted in a better lifestyle for the citizens and, in many cases, these projects have meant the difference between life and death itself. Unfortunately, some members do not fully appreciate the wide scope of benefits that come not only to the community but to the members themselves. The benefits cover three groups:

Individual Benefits:

Chapter Benefits:

Community Benefits:

In our rapidly changing society, all citizens are expected to become involved in the future of their community.

In today’s society, organizations must play a part in the future of their community.

Community leaders will have a strong ally in the battle to have more citizens become aware of community responsibilities.

The member uses such skills as organization, group and committee activity, planning, public relations, reporting, speech making and basic self-management. Also involved are delegation, motivation, supervision and meeting community leaders.

The chapter becomes a stronger unit because its members have gained in experience.

The citizens experience the enthusiasm and efficiency of the chapter and have the opportunity of seeing the young leaders of the future in action. The community will gain the experience of learning more about its potential from the Junior Chamber projects.

The individual will learn the skills above and more about his or her community.

The chapter will learn more about its community role and responsibilities.

Citizens will learn more about Junior Chamber, particularly in Catalytic Action projects.

The individual member is accepted as a community leader.

The chapter is recognized as a leadership organization.

The community gains young leaders who will be responsible for guiding it in the future.

Individuals may very well join the chapter when they become involved in projects or see the publicity that is part of the project.

More people may join the chapter when they become involved in projects or see the publicity the project receives.

More citizens are given the opportunity to join a community development organization that will make them better persons.

The individual has the feeling of pride and satisfaction at the conclusion of a good project.

The chapter has the satisfaction that it continues to play a role in community betterment.

The community is satisfied with the results and that its young citizens are preparing for future leadership.

The basic purpose of the Community Development program is to identify the needs of your community and then to conduct a series of projects that meet those needs. Before reviewing the actual program, it is important to realize a few key points:

1. To implement the actual Community Development program, it is important for the chapter to utilize its maximum manpower and skills.

2. Planning is the key to success. Although this expression may sound like a cliché, it is an accurate one. Planning takes many forms; it ranges from the initial idea to a detailed, written, step-by-step plan. Planning itself is an essential part of the chapter’s activity. It consists of assessing in the present what should be done in the future in order to fulfill the following purpose effectively:

“To give members the chance to become actively involved in constructive projects to improve their community and, simultaneously, to provide them with opportunities for personal development.”

By implementing those projects that are best suited to your members and that best fulfill the needs of your community, you will retain your members’ interest, provide possibilities for personal development, and render valuable leadership to your community.

3. The chapter should establish a Community Development/Involvement Commission having the following priorities:

a. The commitment toward understanding the concept of community development and the Direct Action and Catalytic Action project methods; studying this and other publications on the subject.

b. The motivation to determine the needs of the community and why a particular program is necessary to meet those needs.

This is the area of interest that distinguishes Junior Chamber from many other organizations and grants the members the opportunity for constructive action. The types of community projects conducted will vary from chapter to chapter according to their needs. However, in all cases, the conception of a project begins by finding out what your community really needs.

c. The capacity to understand how a project can be implemented by Junior Chamber members.

d. The need for balance in the program between Direct Action and Catalytic Action projects, as well as a balance between community physical care and people care projects.

e. The investigation into how the members will benefit from participating in the program.

f. The establishment of specific and identifiable goals for the projects to be conducted under the Community Development Area. Goal setting is an extremely important function of any planning process. A goal establishes what you want to achieve in relation to each program and defines the standard of measurement.

4. Once the Community Development/Involvement Commission has determined the needs of the community, it is necessary to establish priorities to determine which projects should be conducted by the chapter during the year. This establishment of priorities is made through study and planning, leading to the selection of the best programs and projects to achieve the goals set by the chapter.

A need in the community may require more than one project before it is fulfilled; however, these projects could be interrelated, with one leading to the next or supplementing the other.

5. The result of the work done by the Community Development/Involvement Commission it to be submitted to the chapter’s Board of Directors for approval and selection of the priority projects.

6. When the chapter has accepted the project proposed, it should allocate the responsibility of the program to a program chairman, who will be supervised by the Community Development Vice President or the Community Development/Involvement Commission Director.

7. The image and effectiveness of the entire chapter, as well as that of its individual members, are reflected in the performance and results of each and every project. The first element is to identify problems in the community, set specific and identifiable goals for each program, and inform members what is going to happen each month of the year. Another element is guiding the project chairmen in the basic steps of organizing each of the projects.

8. Projects may be different in nature as a fund-raising campaign to help disabled children to selecting The Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) in the community; yet certain principles apply to all of them. The five easy steps of the JCI Project Planning Process should be implemented.


There are two basic types of projects, recurring and new. The recurring project should already be in the chapter’s plan of action and the yearly program and, if applicable, in the budget. New projects are not in the chapter’s plan and are probably not considered in the budget.


If the project is recurring, the Community Development Vice President should inform the committee chairman if any money has been allocated in the year’s budget and if any requirements have been predetermined by the year’s plan of action. If a final report or an awards scrapbook was prepared for the project the previous year, a copy should be made available to the Project Committee. Close attention should be paid to any recommendations offered for subsequent years.

Even though the project is in the chapter’s plan of action, it is necessary to take a fresh look and see if a real need still exists for the project to be reinstated. If there is no need, the Community Development Vice President should be informed immediately.

After determining the project’s importance, reviewing the prior year’s materials, and meeting with last year’s chairman and committee members, the Project Committee Chairman should appoint his committee. This will enable the entire committee to be part of the detailed planning process, thereby greatly enhancing its commitment to the project.


The appointed chairman of a new project should gather all the basic information available. If another organization is to be involved in the project, contact the appropriate representative to clarify its needs and desires as well as determine what resources it can supply. If the project is part of a program promoted by the National Organization, ask the National Vice President for information, materials and guidelines.

The basic information obtained from various sources should assist the chairman in determining the following:

a. Purpose of the project

b. Specific goals to be accomplished

c. Number of members needed

One of the most common reasons why projects are not approved by the chapter Board is a lack of funds. The role of sponsors is becoming increasingly important in the implementation of projects. This role can range from the provision of assistance in developing a survey to the sponsorship of a promotional campaign to implement the project

If the chapter is short of funds, it is necessary to find an alternative prior to carrying out the project. Begin by asking yourself the following questions:

a. Have you considered soliciting sponsorship from local businesses or organizations, giving in return some type of recognition or publicity?

b. Have you exhausted all opportunities for obtaining the donation of materials and services, the free use of vehicles, copy machines, and meeting places?

c. Could you combine your project with a new fund raiser?

d. Are there members in your chapter who could directly help reduce costs, such as a printer on printing costs?

e. Have you checked with civic or state authorities to see if government funds are available?

Beside all these considerations, it is important to think about the publicity and recruitment value of a project. If the project could get the chapter’s name in the news media and acquire new members as a result, it would be an incentive for the chapter to take on the project. This would also motivate the members to participate in the project.

There are various groups whose support you will need to carry out a successful project. Firstly, you must get the support of your chapter members to avoid having to do all the work by yourself. As it is a community project, various community groups must support you as well. These groups include the news media, community leaders, community organizations, sympathetic individuals and the public in general.

It is easier to interest the community in a specific project than it is to gain their support for an overall community program. Therefore, each chapter community project will require a different method of gaining support from different groups. It is also important to decide what type of support you need: do you need manpower, publicity, finance or endorsement? Each group will be able to give you a different type of support.

The chapter members must be convinced that the project fulfills a community need, is a feasible exercise, and will be appropriate for Junior Chamber to carry out. Members must be enthused, and, to gain their support, you must plan your presentation well.

The news media can be a good friend. Involve news personnel from the very beginning and keep them informed with concise, factual information. Treat them courteously and, where possible, invite their advice as to how your project can be publicized to the best advantage.

Community leaders will take a natural interest in good community projects. Be very diplomatic and be sure to recognize their contribution to the success of the project. Such leaders—if suitably impressed by your sincerity, presentation, organization and the objectives of the project—will be strong allies in your program.

Other organizations might be very glad to add their support. Your best source are the groups most closely identified with a certain project. Sometimes such groups may have wanted to implement that very project or one of a similar nature but were handicapped by a lack of organization, manpower or opportunity.

The general public has to deal with exposure to advertising and publicity for many things. Somehow, your message must reach the various segments that make up the general public (i.e., children, teenagers, senior citizens, professional people, farmers, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to plan your project so that its message goes out to all the groups whose support you seek.

A word of caution: plan to combat those forces that will work against your cause. This opposition can be passive (like public apathy) or it can be active, as when traditions oppose the changes that are suggested by your project. You also have the opposition of misunderstanding, bad publicity, ignorance and even poverty.

The secret of a successful campaign to gain support is understanding. If all groups understand the benefits of the project, why the project needs their support, and what they must do to help it succeed, you will get all the support you need . . . and maybe more.


The most effective method for Junior Chamber to use in establishing a good public image is to implement a successful, well publicized community program or project. The purpose of public relations is to let your community and members know what you stand for, what projects your chapter is conducting, what you have achieved, and what you are trying to achieve. Thus, when you approach business leaders or your community for support, your reputation has preceded you, and they know what sort of an organization Junior Chamber really is. Ostensibly, it helps the recruitment program of a chapter if the people in your community know that you are an organization worth joining.

Public relations is a integral part of a chapter’s planning and action. It must not be confused with publicity, which is simply a method of informing. Good public relations requires that information be given, but of primary importance is what you accomplish and how you accomplish it. Well-planned and well-executed projects that are of real value to the members and the community are necessary to obtain the best public relations.

Here are some suggestions that could be useful in promoting the public image of your Junior Chamber:

1. KNOW YOUR MEDIA. Make a list of all the media organizations in your community, or at least those that you think may be of interest to you.
a. Newspapers are a valuable medium for continual coverage. A feature story could probably be developed from press releases submitted to the editor along with photos. Be sure to supply the media with resource materials about the organization, especially about successful projects.
b. Radio and television provide the largest audiences. Since Junior Chamber is a nonprofit organization, public service announcements available at no cost will probably be the most accessible avenue.

2. KNOW YOUR MEDIA PEOPLE. Meet them personally and show that you are interested in helping them. Ask them how they would like to hear from you—by advance notice, phone or mail.

3. PREPARE ROUTINE FACT SHEETS. These will present your major projects in a concise, easily assimilated way. Fact sheets cannot be used by the press as such but will arouse the interest of news people and serve as a reference. Samples of JCI Fact Sheets are available from JCI’s Website.

4. PLAN YOUR PUBLIC RELATIONS EVENT. A chapter’s public relations event in connection with a community project should be planned to earn support from the public. The press and other media cover the news. The problem is to determine what is news from the journalist’s point of view. The journalist considers whether a story is new, warmed up, or cold and whether the subject matter is relevant today. Convincing proof of relevance will establish the quality of your project. If you do a good job, chances are the story will appear in the next edition of the local newspaper or in the next broadcast of radio or television news.

Once again, the importance of publicity cannot be overstated. It can be virtually guaranteed if generated by a well-organized, dynamic community project of consequence to the general public. Bear this in mind when contacting you local newspaper, radio or TV station with an announcement, article or news release.

There are two main types of projects. A Direct Action project is carried out by the chapter with little or no direct outside assistance. In the Catalytic Action project, the chapter initiates a project and seeks the support of various agencies, organizations and individuals. The chapter coordinates the project, and, under Junior Chamber leadership, a large-scale project is carried out.

Following are some brief comparisons between these two project types to help chapter leaders plan a sufficient number of both projects into a balanced Chapter Community Development program.


Traffic safety. Your chapter decides to visit all the schools in your community over a period of six months. During each visit your members lay out a safety circuit that has been prepared with help from the police department. At each school, members instruct the children and award prizes for best results.

Traffic safety. Because of the number of traffic accidents, your chapter calls on the business community, community groups and schools to take part in a safety awareness campaign that will include advertising, awards, competitions, parades, etc., all coordinated by the chapter on behalf of the community.

Campaign against narcotics. Your chapter organizes a fund-raising project for a year. The money is given to the health department to pay a visiting specialist to visit your community and local schools and draft an education and awareness program for the community.

Campaign against narcotics. A drug problem has developed in the community. Your chapter involves local authorities, community groups, youth clubs and schools in a fund-raising project for a drug rehabilitation center at the hospital and to fund an awareness and educational program.

Scholarships. There is no university near your town. Your chapter allocates a sum of money each year to send a student to the nearest university. The project include fund raising, student selection, and an awards function.

Scholarships. Many good students cannot afford to attend the distant university. Your chapter involves a number of youth groups, interested individuals and the government for a project called “Higher Education Award” for financing deserving students.

Home owners seminars. In a small community, your chapter organizes a series of seminars on mortgages, finance, credit improvement, insurance, etc. The public attends the fully sponsored seminars organized by the chapter and featuring specialist speakers. With expert assistance, the chapter produces notes on each seminar.

Home owners seminars. Your chapter knows that there is a definite need for home owner education. It contacts a number of organizations in the field and coordinates a seminar series that is presented by each organization (i.e., builders, insurance companies, banks, etc.) that provides speakers, notes and special offers during the series.



One cause of failure in a community project— or any project—is inadequate financial planning. Here are a few pointers to consider in this area when planning any project:

1. At the very earliest planning stage, appoint a treasurer and have him or her thoroughly investigate the financial needs of the project.

2. The treasurer should determine how much money and materials are required and how this money and materials can be secured and collected.

3. The treasurer should prepare a comprehensive budget and review it regularly.

4. The treasurer should establish and maintain proper financial records and keep a strict control of the cash flow.

5. Money raised in the community must go back into the community.

6. Remember to budget for the administrative costs of the project.

7. There must be a contingency allocation in the budget. This is money built into the budget to allow for unforeseen circumstances.

8. Resolve to be firm with finance! However, do not stifle the project by making money the major consideration.


All chapters have the choice of three public images: no image at all, a bad image, or a good image. The most effective method of establishing a good public image is to implement a successful community project. Here are a few pointers to consider in this area when planning any project:

1. One committee member must be responsible for the public relations program.

2. Do not go public until your project has been thoroughly researched and planned.

3. Tell the public who you are, what the project is about, what your chapter is doing with it, why your chapter is undertaking the project, how your chapter will implement the project, how the public can help, when it will start, where most of the action will take place, how long it will last, and the alternatives if the original plans are changed. Now you have told the public everything.

4. Select your “target public,” i.e., business community for sponsorship, young people and other organizations for manpower, government agencies for support, and news media for publicity.

5. Repeatedly proclaim your message to the public; once it not enough.

6. Use the widest range of media, i.e., radio, television, posters, T-shirts, etc.

7. When it is all over, tell the public what happened and how they helped the chapter aid their community. People like to know what happened.

8. A special word of advice—spend a little time with public relations professionals at the start of the project. It is well worth the time and investment.


The best method of implementing a successful community project is to follow the five steps of the JCI Project Planning Process.


How can a chapter discover the actual needs or problems in a community? Your chapter members certainly do not want to spend time on community projects that have not been researched, have been deemed unnecessary, or are irrelevant to your community. A comprehensive community survey is the best way to discover the needs of the community. Be sure to involve as many members as possible in conducting the survey. After the survey, your chapter analyzes these findings and establishes its community program.

It is very important that, whenever possible, your chapter involves professionals in the field of community surveys (e.g., public relations or marketing consultants) so that you avoid conducting an inadequate survey that would result in an inadequate Community Development program.


1. Your Community Survey Committee must have some idea of the nature and scope of the survey, as they are then in a better position to discuss survey goals with consultants experienced in social research.

2. Visit a public relations or marketing consultant to discuss your survey. Professors in marketing and sociology at your nearest university may also be helpful. Also, students taking such a course may very well offer to participate in the survey.

3. While some members are preparing the survey document, others should be arranging sponsorship for the printing of the documents. Some members should be gathering sufficient manpower to carry out the survey and creating the appropriate publicity so that the public and those polled will understand the purpose of the survey.

4. Establish a survey timetable. This will depend upon the type of survey you select. Various survey types are discussed in Step I of the JCI Project Planning Process.

5. Person-to-person interviews are not always easy. It will be necessary to organize one or more training sessions for prospective interviewers.

6. We have mentioned publicity already, but it is worth repeating. It is more important in large communities than in small ones to make citizens aware that a comprehensive survey is being undertaken by the Junior Chamber chapter. Carefully planned media coverage of the survey—as well as the use of posters, displays and other types of promotion—will result in a more positive public response to the survey.

7. The best technique for implementing your specific chapter survey is the one that can be best handled by the resources of the chapter. This means you must carefully consider your manpower, the size of the community served by your chapter, financial resources, support from community leaders, and the professional expertise available in this field. Tailoring your survey according to your resources would be our best advice to you.

8. You may have to choose between a comprehensive survey and a selective survey. The comprehensive survey covers a wide range of topics, while the selective survey may concentrate on only one or more specific areas. In larger communities the comprehensive survey will not be a difficult task, yet a selective survey might be made of the community’s economy, tourism, or health program, for example.

9. There are many classifications that you might consider when preparing your community survey. We have suggested these categories:
Appearance Economy Education Government
Health Housing Organizations Population Recreation Religion Social Welfare

10. The type of questions you ask the citizens in the community is important. Some questions are defined in detail on the next page with recommendations. You would do well to read that section carefully.


1. Environmental improvement
2. Health and social welfare conditions
3. Adequacy of community resources
4. Past community problems (how they were handled and why they succeeded or failed)
5. Extent of cooperation, indifference or opposition from the public, local government or other sources
6. Community relations
7. Recreation and sports opportunities
8. Crime prevention and law enforcement
9. The progress being made in the community.


1. Public survey. Go out on the streets and ask questions of a cross section of the community.

2. Leader survey. Visit a cross section of community leaders and ask their opinions.

3. Representative survey. Carefully select a representative cross section of the public and mail a questionnaire or make personal visits to them.

4. Panel discussion survey. Organize a public meeting featuring a panel of qualified individuals speaking on the issues under consideration.

5. Other. Local professionals in this field will suggest other survey methods to you (public relations and marketing consultants, lecturers in marketing at universities or technical institutes, etc.).


1. Determine the area of interest (physical appearance of the community, people projects, historical, general, etc.)

2. Visit professionals in the field of social research.

3. Study available records from past surveys and other sources.

4. Send out a chapter observation team to look and listen in the community. (Find out about road conditions, water pollution, smoke nuisance, lack of playgrounds, inadequate youth facilities, badly maintained historical sites, etc.)

5. Select the type of survey that will best serve the purposes of your chapter Community Development program.

6. Carry out the survey.


Always enlist the support of professionals when preparing the survey. Contact nearby chapters and non-Junior Chamber groups for assistance when conducting the survey unless your chapter members can handle it without outside help. Make preparations for receiving the survey results.

1. Develop a community survey. Include questions about community problems and needs; leave space for name, phone number, and age.

2. Secure media coverage before the event. Ask local newspapers, radio and television stations to run articles announcing the survey.

3. Determine the “target public” to be surveyed. Target several residential areas to visit (it is not necessary to go to every house in the community; perhaps survey one household per block), high pedestrian traffic areas, and a favorite grocery or department store.

4. After the event. Make sure that you send thank-you letters to businesses, government and the media for their support and offer them the opportunity to join your chapter’s efforts in conducting the Community Development project.


All your planning can be undone by your selection of questions. We have compiled some recommendations and types of questions for you to consider.

1. True or false; yes or no.
The quality of life in this community has improved in the past five years.  Yes No

2. Multiple choice.
What the community needs to do most urgently for its youth is:
 Build a park.
 Open a youth center.
 Establish a number of youth clubs.
 Construct a community swimming pool.

3. Factual.
How many different religions are represented in this community?

4. Opinion.
What do you think is wrong with our community?

5. Priority listing
By numbering the following items from 1 through 5 (with 1 being the highest priority), give your opinion on the order of priority to be followed by local authorities to lessen crime in our community:
 Organize an educational program in schools.
 Increase the size of the police force.
 Institute a number of incentives to citizens for criminal apprehension.
 Introduce more severe penalties for certain crimes.
 Plan for community crime awareness campaign.

There are other types of questions that you can incorporate into your survey. This list will indicate to you how important it is to prepare your questions for your community survey.


1. Leading questions, like “Do you think our town needs better streets?” Nearly every community in the world needs better streets. This can only be answered by yes and does not help you to determine specifically the type of attention the streets and perhaps the whole transport system requires.

2. Questions the public cannot answer, like “Should the new community water storage tank contain 800,000, 900,000 or 1,000,000 gallons of water?” Such a question will elicit an uninformed answer or no answer at all. At the same time, the person being questioned will doubt the contribution he or she can make to such a questionnaire.

3. Questions that require too many answers, like “Should there be more emphasis placed on tourism, and, if so, where should the emphasis be placed, and how much public money should be spent?” You lose the person answering your questionnaire very quickly with multiple questions.

These examples confirm that your preparation of the survey questionnaire is of the utmost importance.

The survey has been completed and all the relevant information has been collected from the questionnaires and interviews. Now it is time to analyze the results.

You have before you a variety of data—answers to questions, reports, letters, and documents— that must be interpreted to answer your major question, “What are the real needs of our community?”

The material should be organized logically and studied so that the list of community needs can be placed in an order of priority. Your chapter must produce a Survey Report presenting the results of the Community Survey as quickly as possible to maintain the momentum of community and member interest as well as their enthusiasm.

Present the pertinent results of the survey to the community via the news media or a prominent community organization.

Even though you must take immediate action to resolve the problems revealed during the survey, the very act of implementing the survey, making the analysis, and reporting the results has been a positive community contribution.

A small chapter might find that it has enough worthwhile community projects to deal with for the next few years! The next step is to make a priority list of the projects that most urgently need the attention of your chapter and appoint a project chairman for them. You are now ready to move on to the next step.

Now is the time for planning. The survey has been completed and analyzed, your chapter has selected a number of projects and placed them on a priority list, and project chairmen have been appointed to lead each Project Committee. Now each project requires a Plan of Action.

Before establishing the plan, remember that your chapter is not the only organization in the community capable of handling projects. So, communicate with other groups, local government agencies, and nearby chapters to avoid duplication, unnecessary rivalry, or misunderstanding.

The Project Committee

A well-organized team for implementing each project is the foundation for success. An effective way of ensuring this is to assign appropriate projects to a particular committee under the control of a chairman. It is the committee chairman’s responsibility to select committee members. He or she should look for a balanced group combining enthusiasm, specialized skills and experience, and each member should have a specific responsibility.

The Public and the Community Development/Involvement Commission

Often the public is not aware of many of the problems. Chapters have learned that all it requires is a well presented and enthusiastic proposal to stir people into action. Only your chapter can select the best method of gaining public support in your community (see page 8).

The Community Development/Involvement Commission is chaired by a Director appointed by the Board of Directors and is responsible for the supervision of all projects conducted under the Commission. The Director reports to the Community Development Vice President on the progress of the projects under his or her supervision. This Director appoints project chairmen and gives them the Terms of Reference (their list of duties and responsibilities).

What to Do First

The first meeting of the committee should be for project planning. The chairman should guide committee members to think the project through step-by-step. It is the chairman’s goal to enthuse the committee about the task, help them visualize the job ahead, and anticipate the problems they will encounter. Before starting on the Plan of Action, two important issues must be decided by the committee:

1. Purpose of the project. Answer the questions, “Why are we going to conduct this project?” and “What do we want to achieve by this project?” The answers will give you the material to develop the Mission Statement of the Purpose of the Project.

2. Direct Action or Catalytic Action project? Refer to page 10 to understand the differences between a Direct Action and a Catalytic Action project, and discuss with the committee which one will be the most appropriate to address the needs of the community.


With all the factors mentioned in mind, your Project Committee is ready to draw up a Plan of Action. Take into account the financial and membership resources of your chapter. The Plan of Action must include the following:

1. The Mission or Purpose of the Project. Establish the reason why your committee is conducting the project. The Mission or Purpose must identify the project’s aims in one sentence that can easily be understood by everybody involved in the project.

2. The Major Responsibilities of Key Activity Areas. Divide the project activities into different Key Activity Areas, such as Finances, Promotion, Records, Administration, etc.

3. The Objectives in Each Area. Establish the major Objectives in each Key Activity Area. The Objectives must be achievable and easily understood by the members of the committee.

4. Strategies to Accomplish Each Objective; the Person Responsible for It, and the Deadline. Under each Objective determine who should be responsible for the task, and when it should be completed.

5. Action Steps in Each Strategy. Each Strategy must be broken down into small Action Steps. Every action that must be taken by a committee member in order to complete a Strategy must be written down so everybody knows exactly what they are to do and what is expected of them and others.

After the Plan of Action is completed, the following information will be needed:

a. A chronological order of events or actions
b. A time schedule
c. A budget outline
d. An incentive or recognition scheme
e. An outline of the chapter’s commitments in the project
f. Terms of Reference (outline of duties) for each committee member
g. List of outside organizations, resources, and people involved in the project.

The Plan of Action is then submitted to the chapter’s Community Development Vice President for approval by the Board of Directors. The approval by the Board of Directors or the General Membership Meeting will establish the chapter’s commitment to the project and will allow your team to get ready for Step IV: Action.

Warning – Junior Chamber members are often so eager to get started on project activity that they have hurried through the first three steps of the Community Project Planning Process or have skipped them altogether, commencing their project with Step IV. In many instances these projects have not achieved their set goals or have only been of minimal value to the community and the chapter. So, before moving to this stage, be sure you have prepared properly by covering the first three steps.

Your chapter has organized its programs, and your committee has planned one project within that program. In the Action phase, the project gets underway, and all participants are busy carrying out their share of the responsibilities. Each project chairman is encouraged to follow the basic steps of project planning. The Action phase involves important skills such as delegation, supervision, communications, personnel management, public speaking and a variety of other skills.

Here are some brief points to consider in the Action phase of the project:

1. Be sure that all participants understand the main and subsidiary objectives of the project.
2. Share the workload and responsibilities among all participants.
3. Prepare brief Terms of Reference (list of duties) for all participants.
4. Keep everyone in the chapter informed at all times on project progress.
5. Emphasize incentives; the main incentive being “individual development through effective community involvement.”
6. Keep accurate records in one central system so that progress can be tabulated regularly, thus avoiding a last-minute rush of paperwork at the end of the project.
7. Consider entering the project in your regional, national or international awards program.
8. At all times plan the project on formats that are easy to maintain and complete.

Sacrifices have to be made at this time in the project. Members give up free time and may have to forego leisure interests until the project is over. Keep this in mind when allocating your responsibilities, and be sure that efficiency is maintained at all times. This will not only minimize the sacrifices that must be made but also serves to side-step any risk of project failure at this critical phase that can occur despite excellent preparations beforehand. After the exercise will come the final step in the process—Evaluation.


Can you remember where it all began? If you have followed the first four steps, Evaluation will be a natural concluding step for your project. Your chapter does not end its responsibility with the project until the evaluation of the exercise has been done. The members, the public, and perhaps even community leaders or certain groups will want to know the outcome of the project.

The project may have been an outstanding success, but still not have satisfied the need. It may even have uncovered a whole list of needs that will need action by some group. That group may very well be your chapter again.

If it failed, it is important for the learning process of Junior Chamber to find out why it failed and how remedies can be applied either now or when a similar project is tried again.

There may need to be a follow-up due to a problem revealed during the project. For example, a chapter learned that a local children’s home had little or no sports equipment. So, a fund-raising project was organized, and brand new equipment was purchased (Direct Action project). However, it was then learned that there were few outings for the children, they had no savings accounts, and few had received new clothes for a long time. The chapter decided to coordinate a project that involved a number of interested groups, and it formed The Children’s Home Citizens Welfare Committee, which provided many of the items needed by the Home (Catalytic Action project).

It sounds like the perfect success story; however, it does not show the accomplishment of the main project — acquisition of sports equipment — in the Evaluation of the main project. The Evaluation is often overlooked, because participants feel that the completion of the project is sufficient. After each project, ask these questions:

· Was the project a success? If so, why was it? Is further action required to fulfill the need?

· If it wasn’t a success, why not?

In addition to the evaluation of one project, it is important for the Community Development/Involvement Commission Director to have a periodic evaluation of the whole chapter Community Development program. Community growth, changes of local leaders, changes in attitudes or the influence of successful projects by other groups may require alterations in the chapter’s Community Development program.

Prepare a Project Record that will contain an outline of the project, news clippings, photographs, a Final Report on the project, minutes of committee meetings, charts, and other relevant items. This record will be placed in your chapter’s library or will form the basis of an awards entry before it is placed in the chapter’s library.

A good chapter Community Development program usually spans a number of chapter administrations, so an Annual Report should be prepared by the Community Development Vice President to allow the new administration to continue an effective community program. At the end of the project, the chairman, the committee, and all participants can take pride in their achievement and feel satisfied that the experience has developed them as individuals. Such is the true test of a first-class community project.


Project Proposal
JCI Project Planning Form

This form helps in the advance planning of the project. It can be used to record the goals and objectives of the project chairman and his committee prior to undertaking the project itself. Its functional value is that the form can be used for submitting the project to the Board of Directors for approval. After approval, the form will also serve as a reference and guide as the project progresses.
Project proposed:

Purpose of the project:

Estimated number of committee members and their functions:

Potential benefits to the chapter:

Potential benefits to the community:

General comments concerning the proposed project:

Possible difficulties or obstacles to overcome:

Approved by the chapter Board of Directors on:

Chapter President’s signature:

Major Objectives
JCI Project Planning Form

This form provides the means for recording the project's major objectives and anticipated results.
Project proposed:

Estimated project commencement date:

Estimated project completion date:

List the project's major objectives and anticipated results

Publicity and promotion plan:

Special materials required:


JCI Project Planning Form

Record the project’s budgeted and actual expenditures on this form. The “Proposed Budget” column is used for planning. The “Actual Budget” column reflects the real expenditures. Under income, the item “Appropriation from the chapter” is the amount budgeted by the chapter. Income and expenses should balance unless this is designated as a fund-raising project or the chapter desires to finance the project. Income that exceeds expenses should be shown under “Expenditures” as “return to chapter.”
Appropriation from chapter



Return to chapter



Organizational Chart
JCI Project Planning Form

This chart illustrates the basic committee organization of the project. It represents the actual structure and includes titles and names from the chapter president down. This organizational chart should be prepared at the first Project Committee meeting.

Summary of Action
JCI Project Planning Form

List the most important activities and functions during the planning and operation of the project. Give approximate time period (number of days or weeks) required by these activities.

Project Report
JCI Project Planning Form

This form can be used to present a summary of the final report. It can be a component of the project file for future reference and be the basis when filing entry forms for national and international awards.
Name of the project:

Brief description of the project:

Mailing address:

National organization:


Date project begun:
Date project completed:
Number of members on the committee:
Number of other volunteers:
Total income projected:
Total income actual:
Total expenditures projected:
Total expenditures actual:
Project chairman:
Chapter president:
c Regional
c National
c Area Conference
c World Congress
c National Organization
c Junior Chamber International

Junior Chamber International
15645 Olive Boulevard, Chesterfield, MO 63017, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 (636) 449 3100 – Fax: +1 (636) 449 3107
E-Mail: – Website:

JCI Mission:

“To contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change.”

JCI Declaration of Principles:

"We believe:
· That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;
· That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
· That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;
· That government should be of laws rather than of men;
· That earth's great treasure lies in human personality;
· And that service to humanity is the best work of life."

The Chapter Public Relations Director

The Chapter Public Relations Director

Public Relations can be defined as "the business of gaining and maintaining public understanding and support." The chapter Public Relations Officer must remember that this refers to external public relations.

There is also an internal public relations responsibility which we will discuss below. In its simplest form, Public Relations is an exercise to establish and maintain a good image and an efficient communications network. Do those two things well and you have the beginnings of a very sound public relations program.


1. Like charity, public relations begins at home. Your most important task is to supervise the quality of the chapter performance. If you are to succeed in obtaining public support, you must be firm about the standards set in the chapter.

2. Without delay establish a chapter Marketing and Public Relations Commission. This team should include the chapter editor; a photographer; a special events coordinator who will be directly responsible for planning public relations activities, and a secretary to keep minutes of meetings, files, records, clippings, etc.

3. Because the responsibilities allocated to the chapter Public Relations Officer are quite extensive and important, it would be useful to make contact with local public relations practitioners early in the year for advice.

4. You are directly responsible to the chapter president who is in fact the chief public relations figure and spokesman in the chapter.

5. Identify your various "publics." Determine certain groups within society, each of which will require a slightly different message from the chapter, e.g., business leaders (sponsorship and recruitment), kindred organizations (support), young people (recruitment), community leaders (project endorsement and support), etc.

6. Some of your responsibilities are to:

· assist the chapter editor;
· preserve good media relationships;
· establish and maintain a current notice board in your chapter headquarters;
· advise project directors about their public relations requirements;
· assist with the chapter recruitment plan;
· produce a chapter questionnaire;
· supervise the orderly maintenance and improvement of important chapter files;
· assemble the annual chapter scrapbook;
· direct major chapter public relations projects such as Junior Chamber Week, The Outstanding Young Person's (TOYP), and Chapter Anniversary night;
· present an outline of chapter public relations requirements for the year;
· take responsibility for chapter protocol;
· oversee the preparation of the chapter annual report;
· ensure that the quality of meetings is high;
· check that members wear pins and badges at all appropriate times;
· supervise the assistance and entertainment to all visitors to the chapter.

7. Since every chapter member is an integral part of the overall public relations image, make sure that good public relations becomes an attitude of mind for each member.

8. It is the little things that count the most.

Do you have an attractive chapter letterhead?
Do members use good telephone manners?
Is there decorum at chapter meetings?
Do members understand meeting procedures?
Does the Junior Chamber Creed hang on the wall at your meetings?


1. Internal Public Relations. Your members want to belong to an organization that is well-ordered, has a high standard of performance and employs an effective communications system. Your contribution is to see that:

the chapter magazine is an effective medium;
a notice board is set up in your headquarters;
there is an updated membership list;
spouses are informed of all chapter activities;
publications from other chapters, the National Organization and JCI are available to members;
new members are properly introduced and cultivated by experienced members;
minutes are accurate and available for member inspection;
seminars are organized for members on various Junior Chamber topics;
orientation sessions are held for new members;
activities are scheduled that will help internal public relations.

2. External Public Relations. Be sure that you understand the various "publics" to which you must direct communications:

keep effective communications open with your national officers and, where necessary, Junior Chamber International officers and the World Headquarters;
have a system of announcing new projects (press release, press kit, press conference, special dinners, parades, announcements, etc.);
contact the news media and establish a good relationship;
arrange an official visit by the chapter president to the city Mayor at the start of the term of office and provide brief notes about the chapter; have available Junior Chamber brochures and other appropriate literature for nonmembers;
and maintain good relationships with other volunteer organizations.

3. Read carefully the mission and philosophy of Junior Chamber, and especially the objectives and aspirations of your chapter. Be familiar with every aspect of the chapter program so you can discuss it authoritatively with the media.

4. Read publications about the role of public relations. Once you become more confident, prepare brief checklists for members of your Marketing and Public Relations Commission.

5. Make a list of all factors you think may detract from the good image and effective communications of your chapter—eliminate those problems. Remember that apart from a good image or a bad image, there is that unfortunate situation where your chapter has no image at all. We trust that these few notes and your reference to professional help will assist you tremendously in your endeavors.


Public relations work requires good judgment, strong organizational abilities, ample writing and speaking skills, an active imagination, an inquisitive mind, flexibility, a sense of humor and, above all, the ability to work under pressure.

The Chapter Communications Director

The Chapter Communications Director

"The pen is mightier than the sword." Even Napoleon was reported to have said, "I fear three newspapers more than a 100,000 bayonets." As much as we may admire swordsmanship or fear the thrust of the bayonet, there is always a place in the sun for the good writer.

If you are fortunate enough to be selected as the chapter Communications Director, remember that you now occupy a powerful position from which you can do much good not only for the chapter but also for yourself. Accept this challenge and enjoy it.


1. Meet with the previous Communications Director and obtain all past material.

2. Consult with the chapter president and the Board about your objectives, program, budget, timetable, requirements and limitations.

3. Select an editorial committee, consisting of a writer, finance director, webmaster, and reporters.

4. Announce your program to the membership immediately and seek their support. Build in incentives (e.g., best article, best report, etc.).

5. Remember two important goals: stimulate reader interest ("sell the product"), and give maximum news and information coverage.

6. Set up a filing system (e.g., records, articles, photos, past magazines, other chapter publications, reference material, etc.).

7. Research the chapter constitution and the history of the chapter, the region and your National Organization. Learn about Junior Chamber International and investigate Junior Chamber in depth. Study chapter meeting minutes and read releases and newsletters from your National Organization and JCI. Locate important people who are past members. In short, make yourself a knowledgeable editor.

8. Research all websites you can find related to Junior Chamber. JCI’s website has links to most national organization’s websites and some chapter’s sites. Check it out at
9. Prepare forms for chapter officers to use to make their reports. Issue them at the start of chapter meetings and collect them at the end. Thereupon you get fresh information in an organized manner.

10. Set up a timetable and deadlines to gather vital information. Enforce your deadlines

11. Strive for effective simplicity in your presentation – don't cram.

12. Plan for the ultimate aim producing a professional publication or website that will add sophistication and quality, while enhancing the chapter image.

13. Make up a distribution list for the publication that includes chapter members; nearby chapters; appropriate national and international officers; local leaders; sponsors and advertisers; the Chamber of Commerce; kindred organizations; past members and chapter Senators; friends of the chapter; and a copy to JCI Headquarters!

14. Include your chapter address, website, email, your name, and the names and addresses of appropriate officers in the front of the publication. Too often non Junior Chamber members are unable to locate the editor, officers or the chapter.

15. Accuracy is vital – simple spelling errors, especially with names of people, detract from the presentation. Therefore, detailed proofing is vital.

16. Include graphics. They can range from simple line drawings to elaborate illustrations. Action photos are also very appealing. Identify people pictured. These items will break up the copy, attract the reader and hold his attention.

17. Once you have produced some notable material in the publication, you may find that your national magazine or website and/or JCI want to include your material in their publications or create links to your site.


1. Content.

Try to include some of the following: cover design, listing of chapter officers, chapter program (e.g., month, quarter), editorial (use guest editorials, too), summary of Board and general meetings, project reports, news from other chapters, news from the National Organization and Junior Chamber International, personality section (especially about new members), page for spouses, an instructional section (e.g., 10 tips on good speech making), president page, pullout page for the children (helpful for family involvement and reader incentive), pictorial section, recognition section, membership application form, the Creed, advertising, promotion for upcoming functions, humor section (or scatter humor throughout the publication, but be careful not to offend the tastes of readers), letters to the editor section, and non Junior Chamber article section.

2. Style.

You will be restricted by such factors as finance, chapter membership, past policies and guidelines, and your own ambitions. However, the potential is enormous and you can select from a four-page leaflet typed and reproduced on a simple copying or reproduction machine; a multi-page publication typed, reproduced and stapled together; a small, flyer-style publication professionally printed; a book-style publication on good quality paper and professionally printed; or a concertina-style publication typed, set out and professionally produced. Whatever style you select, remember it reflects the quality of the chapter. The people who read your publication but do not visit the chapter can only judge the standards of your chapter by the quality of the magazine. That is a big responsibility.

3. Frequency of a printed version.

Ideally, publish at least every two weeks, but never delay longer than one-month issues. If you are going to have a sophisticated monthly magazine, you could produce a typed information sheet in between issues of each magazine. You, as editor, are the best judge in this matter.

4. Website.

To attract viewers, your web site must have new content every day.

5. Broadcast e -mail.

Make sure you send only relevant information to the list. Too many e-mails or lack of content make people unsubscribe.


Communication work requires good judgment, strong organizational abilities, ample writing and speaking skills, an active imagination, an inquisitive mind, flexibility, a sense of humor and, above all, the ability to work under pressure.

The Areas of Opportunity & Commission System

The Areas of Opportunity & Commission System

The efficacy of an organization is gauged by its ability to review and adapt its systems constantly in order to fulfill its objectives and mission. The Areas of Opportunity concept is the result of an evolutionary process that began with the birth of Junior Chamber International.

The first organized system was introduced in the late 1940s; it was called the Commission System and was composed of 10 commissions. It was quite effective, especially in large chapters of more than 50 members, but small chapters suffered because of lack of commission chairmen.

In 1974 the Long-Range Planning Committee recommended the Areas of Activity System, with the same objectives as before but basically grouping the commissions into three categories of activities: Management, Individual and Community.

In 1979 the LRPC came up with the mission of Junior Chamber and the key word in the mission was opportunity. The LRPC also realized that Internationalism should have more emphasis. Thereupon the word “Activity” was changed to “Opportunity” and a fourth Area was added: Internationalism.

Because the concept of Areas of Opportunity was too broad, in 1984 the commissions were again added to the Areas of Opportunity. In 1990 the Strategic Planning Committee recommended that more commissions be added to each Area of Opportunity to provide means for chapters to offer balanced programs to individual members.

In 1990 the number of commissions was increased to 18, and in 1994 a fifth area with two more commissions were added.

In 1999 the Strategic Planning Committee recommended that the Management Area of Opportunity be incorporated into the other four Areas. All activities provide management opportunities to the members and chapter administration should be a must, not an Area of Opportunity. More time should be spent in projects and training instead of chapter administration.


The learning experience of Junior Chamber members revolves around the four Areas of Opportunity, which concept, based upon the principles and mission, can be considered the cornerstone of Junior Chamber.

The key word is “Opportunity,” which advocates voluntary involvement of members within any of the Areas. The concept applies at any level, but it is at the chapter level where it produces the best results. The premise is that it is the responsibility of each national organization and chapter to provide opportunities to its members.

Following are the four Areas of Opportunity.


To provide the opportunity for the Individual Member to realize his or her personal potential through training programs.


To develop the sensitivity of the Individual Member to societal problems and knowledge of community dynamics in solving these problems through actual experience.


To provide the opportunity for the Individual Member to contribute to the development of goodwill, understanding, and cooperation among all peoples.


To provide the opportunity for members to contribute to the development of the economic infrastructure, prosperity and well-being of all nations.

It is recommended to chapters and National Organizations that, in order to organize their activities in a balanced and orderly manner, their program activities be conducted by the following commissions established under the Areas of Opportunity:


Personal Development Commission
Trainers Commission
Officers Training Commission
Membership Growth and Extensions Commission
Meetings Commission


JCI Major Emphasis Theme Commission
Community Development/Involvement Commission
Economic Affairs Commission
Children and Youth Commission
Governmental and Civic Affairs Commission


International Affairs and Relations Commission
Chapter Twinning Commission
JCI Meetings Commission
Awards Commission


Finance Commission
Records Commission
Strategic Planning Commission
Marketing and Public Relations Commission
Business Affairs Commission
International Business Council
Chamber of Commerce Partnership Commission.


It is recommended that chapters appoint chairmen for each of the above commissions. Each chairman will coordinate the activities of the projects and programs under his or her commission and report to the respective Area of Opportunity Vice President.

One Vice President for each Area of Opportunity should be elected, with the responsibility to supervise the activities and coordinate the efforts of the Commission Chairmen.

In large chapters, one or two Executive Vice Presidents should be elected, with the responsibility to supervise the activities and coordinate the efforts of the Vice Presidents.

In small chapters, it may be difficult to establish all commissions and elect five Vice Presidents. In this case, only some of the commissions may be established, or one person can act as chairman of more than one commission.


The flexibility afforded by the Areas of Opportunity and Commission System does not restrict activities to those classifications, but instead treats them as introductory points for activities with greater relevance.

Any chapter at any time is free to establish new commissions according to the needs of the members, the chapter and the community.

Every organization needs to function effectively and needs a system that is clear and concise, understood at all levels of its operations, easily communicable, and, above all, enhances the achievement of the organization's objectives.

The Project Plan of Action

The Project Plan of Action

Planning is a prerequisite to accomplishing goals. Following a Plan of Action consists of assessing now what should be done in the future to effectively fulfill the mission and objectives of the project or activity.


A Plan of Action is not a schedule of events (which only specifies the activity and when it is to take place), or a list of things to be done to achieve the objective. A Plan of Action must answer the following questions:

1. Why was this project established? – The Mission or Purpose.

The mission or purpose of a project or activity is the reason for its existence, the definition of its purpose. Each project is unique and will have its own mission, but it must be closely related to the chapter’s mission and JCI mission:

"To contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change."

2. Where will the project committee concentrate its efforts? – The Key Result Areas.

The mission should now be divided into Key Result Areas, which will determine where the committee and the members should invest most of the time, talents, energy, and money.

The Key Result Areas are the areas where primary attention needs to be focused and where results, not activities are significant.

3. What do we want to do? – The Objectives.

Objectives form the basis for determining what activities should be performed.

Objectives also help to establish criteria for evaluating how well the activities are being conducted. An objective is a statement of a result to be achieved and must start with the word "to" followed by an action verb. It must be clear, achievable, and measurable.

4. Who will be responsible for it? – The person Responsible.

Each objective must clearly indicate who will be responsible for the coordination of the action and the accomplishment as well as the development of strategies and the assignment of new responsibilities to each strategy.

5. When should it start and be completed? – The Deadlines.

The objective must also state dates to begin and end or a time period within which the result is to be accomplished.

6. How much is it going to cost? – The Budget.

The objective must stipulate the maximum investment the chapter is willing to authorize.

7. How do we want it to be done? – The Strategies.

The objective is now divided into smaller strategies, which are general actions to be taken to accomplish the objective. The strategy must also indicate the person responsible, the deadline, and the cost. The one responsible for each strategy must then decide how the strategy will be carried out.

8. How each strategy should be completed? – The Action Steps.

Action Steps are the small tasks that must be taken to accomplish the strategy.

After the above process is completed, the actions should be spread over the yearly calendar.

The following steps should be taken during the development of the project Plan of Action:

1. Draft of the Plan of Action is made.

The Project Chairman and other key members prepare a draft of the Plan of Action for the project.

2. The Project Committee amends draft.

The draft is discussed by the Project Committee and amended if necessary.

3. Final Proposal goes to the Board of Directors.

The proposal is submitted to the Vice President responsible for the Area of Opportunity and the Commission Chairman and amended if necessary.

4. New Project Committee incorporates the changes approved by the Board.

The final Plan of Action is now printed and distributed to all project members.

5. Project members prepare their plans.

Each project member prepares another plan of action after being given his or her assignments and responsibilities for various objectives.

6. Individual plans are approved.

Each member plan of action is approved by the Project Chairman. The cost and deadlines can now be set for all activities.

7. Project Schedule of Events is designed.

The committee can now spread the activities over a calendar and send it to all project members with the deadlines and assignments.

8. Supervisors follow up on their teams' duties.

Now is the time for action, and the immediate supervisors of each member should follow up with their team members to make sure that everything is going according to plan and schedule.

9. Evaluation and recommendations for the future are made.

The Project Chairman, Commission Director and Vice President should evaluate the progress every month and make recommendations on actions to be included in a future project.

10. Report and recommendations for future projects.

Careful analysis is made and concrete recommendations are presented to make future projects better and avoid mistakes that happened on this project.


Whatever the purpose for writing a plan of action is, don't think of it as cast in stone once it is printed. Review your plans constantly for updates or whenever circumstances in the project change significantly.

The Chapter Project Planning Process

The Chapter Project Planning Process

Junior Chambers around the world conduct projects to give their members the opportunity to do something constructive in their communities and develop leadership skills in practical situations.

The image and effectiveness of the chapter, as well as the performance of the individual members, are reflected in the results of each and every project.

The best method to implement a successful community project is to follow the five steps in the JCI Project Planning Process:


A comprehensive community survey is the best way to discover the needs of the community.

The survey should include questions about community problems and needs. There are many different surveys that can be conducted:

1. Public Survey – asking questions of people on the streets.

2. Leader Survey – asking questions of a cross section of community leaders.

3. Representative Survey – asking questions of a selected representation of the public.

4. Panel Discussion Survey – attending a public meeting where qualified individuals speak on the issues under consideration.

The selection of questions plays a key role in the success of the survey. Consider the following types of questions:

1. True or false; yes or no – only one answer required.

2. Multiple choice – different options are offered for selection.

3. Factual – asks for specific answers or facts, such as, "how many movie theaters are in the city?"
4. Opinion – asks for a point of view.

5. Priority listing – a list of needs is presented, and a priority order is requested.

After the survey, the chapter analyzes the results, listing the community needs in order of priority for study.

A Survey Report with the results must be produced and presented to the chapter, community leaders, and the media.

The next step is to make a priority list of the projects that most urgently need attention, and appoint a project chairman for them.

Even though the chapter should take immediate action to resolve the problems revealed by the survey, the very act of implementing the survey, making the analysis, and reporting the results has been a positive community contribution.


A well organized team for implementing each project is the foundation for success.

An effective way of ensuring this is to assign the project to a committee under the leadership of a project chairman. His or her first task should be to guide committee members to think the project through, step-by-step.

The plan of action must include the following:

1. The mission or purpose of the project.

Establish the reason why the committee is conducting the project. It must identify the project's aims in one sentence that can easily be understood by everyone involved.

2. The key activity areas.

The project must be divided into different key activity areas, such as finances, promotion, records, administration, etc.

3. The objectives in each area.

Major objectives must be established in each key area. They must be achievable and easily understood by the members of the committee.

4. Strategies to accomplish each objective.

Each objective must have clear strategies, the time for completion and designate those responsible for it.

5. Action steps in each strategy.

The strategies must be broken down into small action steps that show exactly what should be done and who is responsible.

After the plan of action is completed, the following information will be needed: a chronological order of events or actions; a time schedule; a budget; an outline of duties for each committee member; and a list of outside organizations, resources and people involved.

After submitting the plan of action to the Board of Directors, the chapter must approve it and show commitment to the project.


In the action phase, the project gets underway, and all participants perform their responsibilities.

This phase requires important skills from the project chairman, such as delegation, supervision, communications, personnel management, public speaking, etc. When allocating responsibilities, keep in mind that sacrifices have to be made; members have to give up free time and forego leisure interests until the project is over.


Evaluation will be the natural concluding step for the project. The project may have been an outstanding success, but still not have satisfied the need or accomplished the mission.

If failures occur, it is important for the learning process in Junior Chamber to find out why, and what can be done to avoid the same mistakes in future projects.

The evaluation is often overlooked because participants feel that the completion of the project is sufficient.


At the end of the project, the committee can take pride in their achievement and feel satisfied that the experience has developed them as individuals, enhanced the chapter image, and improved the community.

Chapter Management

Chapter Management
(Trainers’ Guide)

Junior Chamber International
Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs


The following agenda and notes are provided as a guide only. The coach conducting the session should feel free to amend, delete or add to these to suit the needs of the group or his style of training.


1. To ensure that chapter officers understand their responsibilities
2. To discuss the current chapter structure and activities and look for ways to improve them
3. To create a team spirit among the members of the chapter Board of Directors.


LCD Projector, flip chart and markers

TRANSPARENCIES (Available for download from


Session 2: Case Study on Board Members' Attitudes
Case Study on Board Members' Responsibilities
Action Guide – The Chapter President
Action Guide – The Chapter Immediate Past President
Action Guide – The Chapter Executive Vice President
Action Guide – The Chapter Vice President
Action Guide – The Chapter Secretary
Action Guide – The Chapter Treasurer
Session 3: Case Study on Chapter Activities
Action Guide – The Areas of Opportunity and the Commission System
Action Guide – The Commission Director
Action Guide – Project Planning Process
Action Guide – Project Plan of Action
Session 4: Action Guide – The Communications Director
Action Guide – The Public Relations Officer
Action Guide – The Chapter Website
Session 5: Case Study on Member Involvement
Action Guide – Membership Recruitment
Action Guide – Member Involvement
Action Guide – Membership Retention
Action Guide – Chapter Extension
Action Guide – The Individual Member
Action Guide – Metro Chapters
Session 7: Plan of Action Form
Action Guide – The Chapter Plan of Action
Action Guide – Strategic Planning
Action Guide – The Chapter Business Plan
Session 8: Action Guide – Fund Raising

Session 9: Checklist for Chapter Meetings
Action Guide – Good Chapter Meetings
Action Guide – Brainstorming.
Action Guide – Parliamentary Procedures.
Action Guide – Protocol.
Session 10 Program Evaluation Form


Local Leaders Training Seminar
Chapter Constitution Guide
One Year to Lead
Extension Manual
Projects for Progress
The Areas of Opportunity and the Commission System Guide

The room setup must permit seating participants in groups of 4 or 5 at round tables, if possible. This will facilitate the interaction and discussion among group members and also allow the trainer to turn the session into a team or group work without the need of big changes in the room setting.

Here is the suggested room setup:
Projector and computer table
Flip chart
Other trainers and resource material table



It is important for those present to have a clear understanding of why they are there. They must be impressed with the importance of doing their best to absorb the large amount of information that will be given to them during the Chapter Management Training. A detailed explanation of each session of the program and the expectations of the participants are the main objectives of this session.


Transparency Welcome.


After all chapter Board member introduce themselves, they should share with the group their expectations and plans for the year ahead as a chapter Board member.

Place emphasis on expectations and plans for the year.

Transparency Chapter Board members must possess Enthusiasm, Dedication, Knowledge and Experience.

You must already have Enthusiasm and Dedication.

Experience will come, and today is the opportunity for knowledge.

A chapter will not be successful unless officers know what they are doing.

The National Organization can help with publications, national assigned Vice President, and Trainers.

The speakers are experienced and prepared. All is set for a first-class training program.

Over to you to get full benefit: Participate, Ask questions, Take notes for subsequent review.

Make the most of this opportunity.
Transparency Review of the Program:

1. Opening and Program Review
Each participant should have a copy of the program and be familiar the sessions. Be prepared to learn. Participate.

2. Local Management and Responsibilities of the Board Members
Chapter management, structure and the areas of responsibility;
Local Action Guides for all Chapter Board Members

3. Local Activities
The JCI Areas of Opportunity and the Commission System; the JCI Community Project Planning Process

4. Communications
How to keep the members informed
Community involvement in chapter activities
Relationship with the press

5. Membership Involvement
Recruitment; Orientation; Involvement; Activation; Retention

Transparency 6. Leadership in Voluntary Organizations
What is leadership? Responsibilities of a leader; Leading by example; Leader's attitude

7. Planning
The chapter's Plan of Action and the Annual Program

8. Finances
Financial management and sponsorship

9. Meetings
Chapter, Board and Committee meetings;
Parliamentary procedures

10. Open Forum and Evaluation
An opportunity to discuss any issue related to the program
Evaluation and how to improve the program
A wrap-up of the program.



Efficient chapter management is needed in order to get results and what is expected of each Board member. No chapter can make the best use of its resources unless it is well organized. The members must know their responsibilities, the structure must be as simple as possible, and the lines of communication clear and concise followed. This session covers the organization of an efficient Junior Chamber chapter.


Local Action Guides: The Chapter President
The Chapter Immediate Past President
The Chapter Executive Vice President
The Chapter Vice President
The Chapter Treasurer
The Chapter Secretary
Fund Raising
One Year to Lead Manual
Chapter Management Guide
Chapter Constitution Guide


To make the presentation more interesting, distribute the Local Action Guides and have the participants read all outlines, and each member of the Board explains his job description. Discuss the efficiency of the administration as it relates to the job descriptions suggested in the outlines.


Transparency The Chapter Structure:

The importance of efficient organization to optimize the use of the chapter's resources

Examine the present structure: Recognize that the present structure can be improved and conduct a survey; line of authority; clearly define areas of responsibility of Board and Executive members.

All main areas of responsibility must be allocated to officers with no overlapping.

The membership and officers should all be aware of their obligations.

Transparency Board of Directors:

Establishes policy
Guides and supervises operations.
Provides a boost where necessary
It is important that the Board has well planned, well run meetings - agenda is circulated prior to the meeting, officers make reports to the Board, minutes are circulated quickly.

Executive Committee:

Saves time by dealing with routine matters. Can act as select or special committee for various items.

Transparency President:

The leader and motivator.

The spokesman and public relations figure.

The chapter president is the representative at regional, national and international levels.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter President. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency Immediate Past President:

Must assist and support the President.

Carries out special assignments such as extension chairman, representative on community committees.

In some chapters the IPP is the General Legal Counsel and Parliamentarian.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Immediate Past President. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency Executive Vice Presidents:

Assist the President in the administration. Supervise the Vice Presidents.

Prepare to run for President.

Many chapters have one Executive Vice President, other chapters have two: Internal (or Operations) supervises Management and Individual Areas of Opportunity, and External (or Programs) oversees Community, International and Business Areas of Opportunity. Some chapters have five EVPs, one for each Area of Opportunity.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Executive Vice President. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency Vice Presidents:

Supervise and coordinate the work of the Commission Directors.

Report to and assist the Executive Vice President.

Number of Vice Presidents depends on the number of projects and members.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Vice President. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency Secretary:

Arranges meetings.

Prepares and circulates agendas, minutes and reports.

Handles correspondence and maintains records. Assures that meeting venue is ready for the meeting.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Secretary. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency Treasurer:

Keeps financial records.

Sends dues announcements, etc.

Prepares budget and reviews expenditures.

Prepares quarterly financial reports and end-of-year accounts.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Treasurer. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Case Study on Board Member's Attitude

James was a Board member of his chapter and took this task very seriously.

During a Board meeting, the matter of sending the President to the JCI Area Conference was discussed. It was proposed that the chapter should pay for the President's registration, accommodation and give him a US$ 1,000 allowance for which no accounting was necessary.

James spoke strongly against the proposal, saying that, while he felt the President should have his registration paid, he felt that hard-earned chapter funds could be put to better use in the community.

The subject was debated at length and eventually the original proposal was passed.

The next morning, James was talking to a fellow member in his office. "The Board of Directors made a wrong decision last night," he said. "They . . . .

1. What is James doing wrong, and why is it wrong?

2. What other courses of action are open to James if he wishes to change the Board's decision?

Case Study on Board Member's Responsibility

Bob was elected member of the Board of his chapter. Immediately he started to make plans on how to perform his job efficiently. He wanted to do more than was done in previous years.

He contacted his predecessor and discussed the responsibilities, challenges and problems. He soon found out that his position was not clearly defined, and he saw that as an open door to enhance not only his own area but also affect many other areas in the chapter where he saw many problems.

After contacting the President and explaining his plans, Bob made several improvements in the chapter. He was happy with his accomplishments and was sure that everyone felt the same.

To his disappointment, many of the other officers complained about his performance as a chapter officer, regardless of his outstanding accomplishments.

During the next Board meeting, Bob brought the issue to discussion and wanted to know what was going on. He soon found out that this was exactly what the other members of the Board wanted to know, too.

When Bob explained his actions, he was contested several times with the argument that this was not supposed to be his job, that another officer was responsible for that area, and - regardless his success - his actions and ideas should have been discussed with the members of the Board.


1. What was wrong with the responsibilities of the Board members?

2. What, specifically, would you do to avoid that situation?

3. Who was responsible for the situation created in that chapter?



Many chapters operate from month to month without objectives, without really knowing a) what needs to be done in the community, b) the membership's wishes, and c) the needs of the chapter. These chapters get something accomplished, but often do not have very much to show for their efforts at the end of the year.

This part of the seminar is to show the benefits to the community, the chapter and, most importantly, to the members of preparing and working with a planned program of activities.

A well balanced program must be established in order to get all members involved and fulfill the chapter's purpose. The Areas of Opportunity and the Commission System must be in place and working effectively.


Local Action Guides: The Areas of Opportunity and the Commission System
The Commission Director
The JCI Project Planning Process
The Areas of Opportunity and the Commission System Guide
The JCI Major Emphasis Theme Manual
Projects for Progress Manual


To make the presentation more interesting, distribute the Local Action Guides and have the participants read them. Discuss the content and how it relates to the chapter's situation.


Transparency Successful events do not just happen.

They are carefully planned.

A successful chapter has a well planned program that provides for the needs of the chapter, the interests of the members and the needs of the community.

Transparency 1. The yearly program of activities

The Strategic Planning Commission studies the chapter needs, the members' interests and the community needs, and the Board prepares an annual program that fulfills these needs.

This Commission studies:

A. The needs of the chapter: Finances; social events; meetings; membership recruitment and orientation; newsletters; public relations; and regional, national and international involvement.

These needs can be determined by reference to last year's program, the budget for the year, national events, discussion groups and brainstorming.

B. The interests of the members: Have a variety of activities (to satisfy different age groups and interests), special interest projects; organize worthwhile activities in individual enhancement, community development, management opportunities, and international participation.

Members' needs can be determined by brainstorming members for inspirations, providing opportunities in meetings for the expression of members' ideas, and distributing questionnaires to members.

C. The needs of the community: Activities that separate Junior Chamber from being just another club vary from place to place.

The needs of the community can be determined by survey, community meetings, media, interviews with people, and professional studies.

The Strategic Planning Commission prepares a plan that: won't overload members, prevents projects from dragging on too long, keeps in mind financial resources, has challenging and small projects, spreads activities out during the year, leaves room for emergency projects, is flexible and provides variety, and holds interest for new and old members.

The plan is then reviewed by the Board of Directors and submitted for approval at the General Membership Meeting. After approval, it must be printed and distributed to all members and interested public. A consistent follow-up must be done by the Executive Committee.

Local Action Guide: The Areas of Opportunity. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency 2. The JCI Areas of Opportunity and Commission System

The first organized system was introduced in 1940 and called "The Commission System." This system was quite effective, especially in large chapters of more than 50 members. However, smaller chapters suffered because of lack of Commission chairmen.

In 1974 the Long-Range Planning Committee came up with the proposal of the Areas of Activity with the same objectives but introducing a change in structure. Basically, all Commissions were grouped into three Areas: Chapter, Individual and Community.

In 1979 the Long-Range Planning Committee suggested the new mission for Junior Chamber "To contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change" - the key word was opportunity.

Then, the word "Activity" was changed to "Opportunity," and a fourth Area was added: International.

In 1984 the system was again modified and the Commissions were again included under each Area of Opportunity. In 1990, after a recommendation from the Strategic Planning Committee, the Commissions under each Area were changed and, in 1994, a fifth Area of Opportunity (Business) was approved by the Kobe World Congress.

In 1999, the Strategic Planning Committee recommended that the Management Area of Opportunity be incorporated into the other four Areas. All activities provide management opportunities to the members and chapter administration should be a must, not an Area of Opportunity. More time should be spent on projects and training than on chapter administration.

Transparency A. Individual Area of Opportunity

To provide the opportunity for the individual member to realize his personal potential through training program.


· Personal Development Commission
· Trainers Commission
· Officers Training Commission
· Membership Growth and Extensions Commission
· Meetings Commission

Transparency C. Community Area of Opportunity

To develop the sensitivity of the individual member to societal problems and knowledge of community dynamics in solving these problems through actual experience.


· JCI Major Emphasis Theme Commission
· Community Development/Involvement Commission
· Economic Affairs Commission
· Children and Youth Commission
· Governmental and Civic Affairs Commission

Transparency D. International Area of Opportunity

To provide the opportunity for the individual member to contribute to the development of goodwill, understanding, and cooperation among all peoples.


· International Affairs and Relations Commission
· Chapter Twinning Commission
· JCI Meetings Commission
· Awards Commission

Transparency E. Business Area of Opportunity

To provide the opportunity for members to contribute to the development of the economic infrastructure, prosperity and well being of all nations.


· Finance Commission
· Records Commission
· Strategic Planning Commission
· Marketing and Public Relations Commission
· Business Affairs Commission
· International Business Council
· Chamber of Commerce Partnership Commission.

It is recommended that chapters appoint a chairman for each of the above Commissions who will coordinate the activities of the projects under the Commission and report to the respective Area of Opportunity Vice President.

Transparency Commission Directors:

Coordinate activities in their assigned Commission. Supervise and coordinate project chairmen.

Promote activities in their areas of responsibility. Study materials received and recommend action to the Board. Encourage members to serve on their program committees.

Local Action Guide: The Commission Director. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency Project Chairmen: Responsible for specific project activities. Report to the Commission Director.

Encourage members to serve on their projects. Provide opportunities for all members to develop leadership skills by working on projects.

Help members to understand their responsibilities and encourages them to practice teamwork.

Members: Are the team. Voices are heard through general meetings and committee meetings.

Should use all opportunities to work on projects, learn new skills, and become project chairmen.

Transparency 3. The JCI Project Planning Process

Junior Chambers around the world conduct projects to give their members the opportunity to do something constructive in their communities and develop leadership abilities in practical situations.

The best method to implement a successful community project is to follow the five steps in the JCI Project Planning Process:

A. Survey

A comprehensive community survey is the best way to discover the needs of the community. The survey should include questions about community problems and needs. The chapter should target several residential areas to visit, high pedestrian traffic areas, or a favorite grocery store.

B. Analysis

After the survey, the chapter organizes the analysis of the results. The results should be arranged in a logical order and studied, so the list of community needs can be placed in an order of priority.

C. Planning

The chapter selects a number of projects based on the community priority list. A chairman and a committee must be appointed for each project and the Project Committee starts to plan the action by determining the purpose of the project and whether the project will be direct action or catalytic action.

Objectives, strategies and action steps must be written and made clear to every member of the Project Committee.

D. Action

In this phase, the project gets under way, and all participants are busy carrying out their share of responsibility. The action phase involves important skills such as delegation, supervision, communications, manpower management, public speaking, and a variety of other skills.

E. Evaluation and Recording

If the Committee followed the first four steps, evaluation will be a natural concluding step for the project. The project is not finished until the evaluation is made.

The members, the public, and perhaps even community leaders or certain groups will want to know the outcome of the project.

Local Action Guide: The JCI Project Planning Process. Allow time for reading and discussion.

Activity Divide the participants into four groups, each group should concentrate on one Area of Opportunity. The first step is to brainstorm to get ideas of projects, and the second is to prepare an Annual Program of Activities based on the projects selected. Of course, adjustments may be required to allow for budget requirements; local, national and international events; approval of the local government, etc.

The Board of Directors should examine the program and make any necessary adjustments. They should ensure that it is workable, fulfills the needs of the community, has variety, interests the members, keeps within the budget, and allows for spare time for extra projects. The program should be revised on a monthly basis by the Board of Directors and necessary adjustments made.

Local Action Guide: The JCI Project Plan of Action. Allow time for reading and discussion.

Case Study on Chapter Activities

First Step

Imagine that this is the beginning of the year and that your group has been asked to present as many ideas as you can for activities during the year. Use the brainstorming system to generate ideas in your group.

Record all ideas and, when requested by the trainer, the group leader presents them to the class.

Second Step

After each group has reported, the task is to prepare an Annual Program of Activities, using the ideas presented. Be realistic, but ambitious. Be sure that the program will cater to the needs of the community, the chapter, and the members, and that there is a balance of activities in all Areas of Opportunity.




The purpose of this session is to fix in the participants' minds the importance of having a good internal and external communications system to keep the membership and the community informed.

Junior Chamber chapters depend heavily on the support of the community. This support is readily given if the chapter has a good reputation that has been built up by a high level of worthwhile activities supported by an effective public relations program. A good public relations program can assist a chapter's recruitment program and help make the members value their membership.


Local Action Guides: The Chapter Public Relations Officer
The Chapter Communications Director


To make the presentation more interesting, distribute the Local Action Guides and have the participants read them. Discuss the content and how it relates to the chapter's situation.


Local Action Guide: The Communications Director. Allow time for reading and discussion.

Transparency 1. Internal Communications

Communication work requires good judgment, strong organizational abilities, ample writing and speaking skills, an active imagination, an inquisitive mind, flexibility, a sense of humor and, above all, the ability to work under pressure.

· Responsible for Chapter Newsletter
· Handles broadcast E-mails
· Prepares articles of projects for the Media
· Responsible for Chapter’s website

Transparency Here are the major responsibilities of the Communications Director:

A. Newsletter

With the introduction of E-mail, many chapters are not using the Newsletter anymore but for many, receiving a paper with news makes them feel important. And, a simple two or four page newsletter is not expensive to produce and it brings many advantages:

· Good way to show what has been done
· Public recognition
· Calendar (Upcoming events)
· Everyone likes to be “In the pictures”
· Paper newsletter can be read anywhere without a computer

Important: Plan ahead how often newsletter is published and stick to it.

B. E-Mail

There is an important area that needs careful consideration in the modern communications. Almost everything is done by e-mail these days and still many people are not sufficiently trained to use it.

Here are some suggestions and advice about E-Mail:

· Cheap, easy and fast way to inform membership
· Excellent and fast way to manage projects
· Should comply with Spam laws and regulations in your country
· Avoid sending too much information in one E-mail
· Avoid sending E-mails too often.

C. Website

Another important part of communications and Public Relations is the Chapter’s Website. Discuss it with the group.

· Good tool for mass communication
· Informs what JCI is and why people should join
· Promotes Calendar of Events
· Displays Pictures
· Good way to manage projects and keep everyone updated
· Always have contact information displayed
· Update regularly
· Make it fast to access and easy to navigate

A professionally designed website projects a professional image to the community. Remember that if your website is up, anyone in the entire world can see it. The Chapter may consider a “Members Only” section accessible only with a password. Also consider if the external section should be presented in more languages.

Transparency 2. External Communications and Public Relations

Good public relations is important because it ensures public support, helps members value their membership, and helps the chapter's recruitment efforts.The chapter's total public image must be based on well planned and executed projects, meetings conducted in a professional way, and an excellent chapter magazine.

The Marketing and Public Relations Commission must get publicity in the media for special events through press releases, photos, etc. Here are some tips for good relations with the media:

A. See the right people at the right time. Don't take up their time when they are close to their deadlines.

B. Deliver all information the press requests, and get it to them quickly.

C. Be sure your story has news value and deserves press attention.

D. Contact them personally, whenever possible, and keep articles brief.

E. Be honest with the media. Give them only facts.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Public Relations Officer. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Website. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.



This session is one of the most important that will be presented and will deal with recruitment techniques, chapter extensions, membership retention, involvement and activation.


Local Action Guides: Membership Recruitment
Member Involvement
Membership Retention
Chapter Extension
The Individual Member
Metro Chapters
Extension Manual


To make the presentation more interesting, distribute the Local Action Guides and have the participants read them. Discuss the content and how it relates to the chapter's situation.


Transparency 1. Recruitment

Every single chapter needs to concentrate efforts constantly on recruiting new members, because members reach the age limit, lose interest, don't have enough time, etc. new members will avoid manpower shortage and bring new ideas and renewed enthusiasm.

A Membership Growth and Extensions Commission must be established. This Commission must plan the recruitment strategy, which can be as simple as having every member invite a friend or conducting a very sophisticated Corporate Recruitment project.

After the members join the chapter, an orientation session should be given. JCI has a fantastic seminar called New Members Orientation Course. This seminar explains the origin and history of Junior Chamber, makes participants alert to problems in their communities, and introduces them to the Brainstorming method of rapid idea generation and selection of the best. The seminar continues with an explanation of the JCI Project Planning System and ends with the participants choosing a New Members Project based only on their own input.

Even if the chapter doesn't want to use JCI's seminar, a new member's orientation session is extremely important for the future involvement of that member in the chapter's activity.

A formal and impressive induction is also important. Members must feel proud of belonging to the chapter and Junior Chamber. A New Members Kit should be given to them with basic information on chapter history and activities, membership directory, Constitution, parliamentary procedures, member card and pin, etc.

Local Action Guide: Membership Recruitment. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Transparency 2. Involvement

Membership involvement is the key for successful membership retention. A membership recruitment program can be wasted unless the new members are absorbed into activities and the existing members retain their interest.

New members become inactive because of many reasons - competition from other sources for their time, too many or poor meetings, irrelevant projects, and poor committee work and leadership. Sometimes they are not asked to take part or are asked to do too much.

In order to get new members involved, they must have a dignified induction after the orientation session is completed. See that they are invited to meetings and welcomed, put on the chapter's mailing list, assigned to a project committee and be an important job, have their efforts recognized, etc.

Local Action Guide: Member Involvement. Allow time for reading and discussion.

To keep all members active, the chapter must consider their interests, remember that their expectations change, ensure that they are kept involved in worthwhile and interesting activities, are not overloaded, receive recognition, and share chapter responsibilities.

Periodically the chapter must conduct a survey among the members to determine their interests, progress, personal goals, and issues that lead to dissatisfaction.

Local Action Guide: Membership Retention. Allow time for reading and discussion.

3. Extensions

Extensions are also important. More chapters in the area will produce greater public relations and support for the organization. Other communities should also feel the benefits of having your group of volunteers helping in the development of the community and the betterment of the standard of living.

With more chapters and members, the National Organization will be stronger and can deliver better services.

Local Action Guide: Chapter Extension. Allow time for reading and discussion.

Transparency A project chairman must be appointed, and then a committee can be formed. The committee selects the town or neighborhood with potential for extension and then begins planning. It is important to know the national rules regarding extensions.

For more information on how to extend, please consult the JCI Extension Manual available from the World Headquarters.

Local Action Guide: The Individual Member. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Local Action Guide: 4. Metro Chapters. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

Activity Divide the group into discussion teams, and ask them to come up with solutions for one or more of the following issues:

A. The chapter has 60 members, but the attendance at meetings is usually less than 30. What would you do to rectify this situation?

B. The chapter recruits about 20 members every year, but the membership stays less than 50 members. What would you do to increase the membership to 80?

C. The chapter has a varied program that seems to have something for everyone, yet most of the work is done by the Board of Directors because the members never seem interested in project activity. What should be done in this situation?

D. Case study on the next page.
Case Study of Member Involvement

The following case is a typical example of why some chapters do not retain their members. Fortunately John took the time to cite the reasons why he was leaving the chapter. You may recognize some circumstances that exist in your chapter but are not considered as a problem.

Dear chapter President,

I'm sorry, but I feel I must terminate my membership with Junior Chamber. I know that you will be disappointed, and I surely recognize the great potential in the organization. Because you are so enthusiastic yourself, I feel you may be interested in the reasons for my resignation. Perhaps, after reading them, you may be able to take steps to ensure that other members like myself do not "drop out" after a short period of time.

Do you remember that first meeting I attended as your guest? At that meeting, you, as the President, were understandably busy, and, after introducing me to a couple of other Board members, you had to leave me on my own. This I understood and did not mind, but the two members to whom you introduced me were obviously close friends and made no effort to be friendly or involve me in their conversation. Today, I still feel like an outsider, and this contributed greatly to my resignation.

But the meeting was great, and, after the second and third meetings, I became enthusiastic about the things I could do in the chapter. I soon found out that there were several project committees working, and I was invited to one of their meetings. You won't believe what kind of meeting it was. We started one hour late, the project chairman didn't seem to know what he was doing, nobody had completed the assignments, and the whole project was depressing. I gave them a couple of ideas, but I was told that they would not work. This was the project that was canceled because of "lack of interest from the membership."

I still kept coming and working on project committees. But that was it - just a worker. I never had any opportunity to be the chairman of a project "because I was too new and did not have enough experience." I soon found out that I wasn't getting the thing the organization had promised me when I joined.

As you can see, I have really become discouraged. Consequently, the other day when I was invited for the fifth time to join the other volunteer group in our city, I agreed. The club meets the same days as the chapter, and I had to make a choice. So I decided to leave Junior Chamber.

My best personal regards,


1. Was John's resignation justified?

2. What could the chapter do to avoid each of the reasons that made John resign?



Leadership is required at all levels of the chapter, but it becomes extremely important and can be the difference between the success or failure of the entire year at the chapter Board of Directors' level.

Volunteers are not motivated by salary, promotions, power, etc, but only by efficient and successful leadership.


One Year to Lead Manual
Vanguard Leaders Seminar


Leadership is the art of influencing other people to achieve a particular aim or goal; to motivate self and others; to obtain the maximum support and effort from a group; to see and recognize a problem, plan for a solution and solve it; to lift vision and performance above the normal level; and to make people want to do things they would not normally do.

Leadership is the result of experience, confidence, planning and setting objectives - and all these qualities can be developed.

Transparency The three best known styles of leadership are the Autocratic, Laissez Faire and Democratic. Each style has its own characteristics, and leaders must know when to use each one of them.

1. Autocratic: This describes an efficient leader who plans everything thoroughly in advance and accepts the responsibility and credit for everything. This type of leader is more concerned with systems and process, and keeps information close to his chest. Autocratic leadership produces good results, but the group becomes too dependent on the leader and lacks personal confidence. This style can be used when the group in not qualified or is in a chaotic situation.

2. Laissez Faire: This type of leadership gives people their own way and listens more than speaks. Such a leader has implicit trust in followers and believes that people are self-motivated and do not need any encouragement to work. He is very lenient with respect to deadlines and achievement of results. This style can be used when the group is highly motivated, experienced, and skilled.
3. Democratic: This type of leader sees the group as a unit and shares the responsibility. He is concerned with the group and the needs of the members. Such a leader helps the group set its own goals and does not need to be the center of everything. He trusts followers and is flexible and open to the feelings of the group.

It is the leader's responsibility to change leadership styles according to the people and the situation. The leader must be aware of his position and accept the restrictions that come with the responsibility. He must be responsible for the members and the organization.

The leader must be well prepared; have a plan of action and vision of the future; ensure that all members are involved and have their duties and standards of performance clearly stated and understood; learn to handle people and delegate authority and responsibility; and be a truly example of performance and behavior.

Transparency Responsibilities of a leader:

1. Encourage members to offer opinions and solutions.

2. Stimulate critical appraisal in search of the best solution.

3. Have confidence in the ability of the members to solve group challenges.

4. Be a good listener and reserve his opinions until he has heard the others.

5. Avoid directing a group decision; explore different opinions before asking members to make a decision.

Transparency Leadership functions:

The functions of leadership vary from group to group, depending on the objective of that organization, but the same principles apply. The leader's function is to help the group to:

1. Define its purpose or mission and convert it into practical and specific objectives or goals.

2. Clearly decide responsibilities for the various activities of the group.

3. Guide the planning process and give all members the opportunity to contribute.

4. Carry out the daily affairs and plans in a manner consistent with the purposes and goals.

5. Maintain action, guide members through changes in the plans, and check efforts and results.



It is particularly important for a chapter to plan effectively because communications in any voluntary organization can be difficult, and the members rely on clear, step-by-step action plans for direction.


Local Action Guides: The Chapter Plan of Action
Strategic Planning
National Plan of Action
JCI Plan of Action


To make the presentation more interesting, distribute the Local Action Guides and have the participants read them. Discuss the content and how it relates to the chapter's situation.


Transparency 1. THE PLAN OF ACTION

Planning is the key factor in managing a successful volunteer association like Junior Chamber. The planning process exists to continually help the chapter design the intended outcome as well as the strategic action steps in pursuit of the desired results.

In order to inspire commitment in the membership, the planning process must have the participation of the members. Planning consists of assessing now what should be done in the future to effectively fulfill the aims and needs of the organization.

With proper planning, the chapter can make thing happen deliberately, instead of relying on luck or circumstances. Planning is the method of carrying out activities based on realistic expectations. A Plan of Action is not an activity schedule, which only tells you what do to and when to do it. A Plan of Action must answer the following questions:

A. Why does the organization exist? - the Mission or Purpose

The mission of an organization is the reason for its existence, the definition of its purpose. It is an expression of what the organization does and the way in which it will be executed.

The chapter is affiliated to Junior Chamber International and, in this way, the mission must be closely related to JCI's mission, but not be a duplicate. Each chapter is unique and will have its own mission. The following is the mission of Junior Chamber International:

"To contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity to young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change."

B. Where will the organization concentrate its efforts? - the Key Result Areas

Now that the mission is established, it is easier to see the direction the chapter will go and what to do to accomplish the mission.

To make it easier to work with, the mission should be divided into Key Result Areas that help to determine where the organization and the officers should invest most of the time, talents, energy, and money. The Key Result Areas are where primary attention needs to be focused and must identify where results, and not activities, are significant.

Some examples of Key Result Areas for an average chapter could be: Finance and Administration, Officer Performance, Growth and Development, Training, Programs, Marketing and Public Relations, Meetings, Communications, Services to the Members, Internationalism, and Planning.

C. What do we want to do? - the Objectives

Objectives form the basis for determining what activities should be performed and also help to establish criteria for evaluating how well they are being performed. Objectives must reflect progress and be positive.

An objective is a statement of a result to be achieved and must start with the word "to," followed by an action or accomplishment verb. An objective must be clear, understandable, achievable, and measurable.

D. Who will be responsible for it? - the officer Responsible

Each objective must clearly indicate who will be responsible for the coordination of the action and the accomplishment. It may be an officer's position or a particular person. This person will be responsible for developing strategies and assigning new responsibilities to each strategy.

E. When should it start and be completed? - the Deadlines

The objective must also indicate a date (or time period within which) the result is to be accomplished.
F. How much is it going to cost? - the Budget

The objective must also indicate the maximum investment - in money, time or both - the chapter is willing to spend.

A sample objective with strategies and action steps in the Growth and Development Key Result Area could be the following:

To achieve a total Management November $ 1,000
membership of 100 Vice President
by the end of the year

The chapter's Plan of Action can stop here. From now on, it is the task of each officer responsible for the objectives to develop his own plans, indicating the methods to be used to accomplish the objectives.

G. Which way do we want it to be done? - the Strategies

The objective is now divided into smaller strategies, which are major actions taken to accomplish the objective and must also indicate who is responsible, the deadline, and the cost.

Sample strategies for the objective above could be:

Appoint a Membership Membership Growth February None
Recruitment Committee and Extension
Commission Director

Create and print 3,000 Memb. Recruitment March $ 500
copies of a Public Committee Chairman
Relations brochure to
be used for new
members invitation.

H. How should each strategy be completed? - the Action Steps

The responsible party for each strategy must now decide how the strategy will be done. Action Steps are the minor actions that must be taken to accomplish the strategy.

A sample of Action Steps for the second strategy above could be:

Create the layout for Robert March 15 $ 50
The Public Relations

Get costs from print. Daniel March 20 None
Local Action Guide: The Chapter Plan of Action. Allow time for reading and discussion of the content.

The Board members must ensure that the plan is achievable and clearly understood by every member of the chapter.

Everybody must have a copy of the chapter's Plan of Action.

After the above process is completed, the actions should be spread out over the yearly calendar, taking into account the following:

A. Ensure that everybody has something to do, but don't overload members.

B. Don't let projects drag on too long; have both challenging and small projects.

C. Keep in mind the financial and human resources.

D. Leave room for emergency projects when you spread out the activities throughout the year.

E. Provide variety and be flexible.

Transparency The following steps should be taken during the development of the chapter's Plan of Action:

A. Draft of the Plan of Action is made.
The President and the Secretary have the responsibility to prepare a draft of the Plan of Action for the next year. They consult with the Board members for input.

B. Draft goes to the Board of Directors.
The draft is discussed by the Board of Directors and amended, if necessary.

C. Final proposal goes to General Assembly.
The proposal is submitted to the general membership and amended, if necessary, at the annual General Assembly.

D. The new Board incorporates the changes approved by the General Assembly.
The final Plan of Action is printed and distributed to every member in the chapter.

E. The Board members prepare their plans.
Each officer of the new Board prepares a Plan of Action, after receiving his assignments and responsibilities for various objectives.

F. Individual plans are approved.
Each officer's Plan of Action is approved by the Board of Directors during the first month in office. The cost and deadlines is then set for all activities.

G. The Yearly Schedule of Events is designed.
The Secretary spreads the activities throughout a yearly calendar and sends it to all members along with deadlines and assignments.

H. The supervisors follow up on their team duties.
Now is time for action, and the immediate supervisors of each officer should follow up with their team members and make sure that everything is going according the plan and schedule. Normally the President supervises the Executive Committee members, the Executive Vice Presidents supervise the Vice Presidents, the Vice Presidents supervise the Commission Directors, and the Commission Directors supervise the project chairmen.

I. Evaluation and recommendations are made for the next year.
The President and the supervisors should evaluate the progress every month and make recommendations on actions or objectives to be included in the next year's Plan of Action.

J. Next year's Plan of Action is drafted.
Now back to the first step. By properly using the evaluation and the recommendations, it is easy to draft next year's Plan of Action. Everyone must know who is responsible to draft the plan so they can submit their recommendations to him.


Each chapter should have a long-range plan for four to five years and review and update it every year. This Strategic Plan would be used as reference when drafting the chapter's Plan of Action.

The Strategic Plan should be prepared and reviewed by the Strategic Planning Commission.

A Strategic Plan should build a vision for the future that will affect all aspects of the organization's life, and its effectiveness depends on accurate, ongoing assessment of external and internal environments.

It will result in a future image of the organization, and indicate a concrete vision of what it will take to implement its mission successfully. Strategic Planning involves deciding on the priorities and steps needed to implement the vision.

Local Action Guide: Strategic Planning.

Local Action Guide: The Chapter Business Plan.

Activity Divide the participants into small groups and ask them to develop a Plan of Action, using the form on the next page, with the following content:

A. The chapter's Mission
B. The Key Result Areas
C. Under one Key Result Area, at least three Objectives
D. Under each Objective, at least two Strategies
E. Under each Strategy, at least two Action Steps.

The Objectives, Strategies and Action Steps must indicate the Responsibility, Deadline and Cost.

Name of the Chapter:

Statement of the chapter's Mission:

Key Result Area:

Objectives/Strategies/Action Steps



The basic goals of Junior Chamber are more easily achieved when there is a sound financial basis to the chapter. The principles of good budgeting and monetary control, as set out in this session, show how to avoid problems and provide excellent financial training to the chapter officers.


Local Action Guide: Fund Raising


To make the presentation more interesting, distribute the Local Action Guides and have the participants read them. Discuss the content and how it relates to the chapter's situation.


The people involved in the preparation of the Budget are usually the Treasurer, the President and members of the Finance Commission, but all members of the chapter's Board of Directors are responsible for the enforcement of the budgetary restrictions and a sound balance between the income and expenditures.

Transparency The following are the basic steps to implement a good monetary control in the chapter:

1. Preparation of the budget:

A. The Commission Directors and the Board members indicate the requirements, according the proposed Plan of Action.

B. The Treasurer estimates nonprogram expenses and contingency.

C. The Treasurer conservatively estimates income.

D. A balanced budget must be the final result.

2. Approval of the budget:

A. The final draft is presented to the Board of Directors for consideration.

B. The Board amends and approves the budget proposal.
C. The final proposal is presented at the General Membership meeting for consideration.

D. The chapter's budget is amended and approved by the chapter General Assembly.

3. Review of the budget:

A. The Treasurer reviews the budget weekly and prepares a monthly report to the Board, including the current status and the projections of income and expenditures for the next months.

B. The Board reviews the budget and future projections once a month.

C. The Board make the necessary amendments and corrections to the budget.

4. Financial records:

A. The Treasurer must keep a book to register income and another book for expenditures.

B. All payments should be made by check, signed by the Treasurer and the President.

C. The Treasurer prepares a monthly report on cash balance, payments during the last month, and projected payments for next month.

5. Budget control:

A. All project reports must include a financial statement.

B. The budget must be constantly reviewed in order to identify under-expected income and over expenditures.

C. The Treasurer must pay close attention to legal procedures regarding taxes and government rules for associations.

Local Action Guide: Fund Raising




Successful chapters have meetings that are well attended because they are well planned and conducted, enjoyable, and accomplish the objectives of the group. All meetings, whether they are of the Board, a project committee, or the chapter, must be planned in advance if they are to be effective.

This session of the seminar will highlight elements that can go wrong with a Junior Chamber meeting; it will show what should be done and demonstrate how easily a chapter can improve its meetings.


Local Action Guides: Good Chapter Meetings
Parliamentary Procedures.

JCI Parliamentary Procedures Manual


To make the presentation more interesting, distribute the Local Action Guides and have the participants read them. Discuss the content and how it relates to the chapter's situation.


Good meetings set the place for all activities in the chapter. Good meetings will:
1. Increase participation in project activities.
2. Help to orient and assimilate new members.
3. Encourage prospective members to join.
4. Create enthusiasm.
5. Provide leadership training.

Transparency The Board of Directors must plan for better meetings by understanding the purpose of the chapter meetings, which are to:

1. Discuss and conduct the chapter's business.
2. Review the progress of the chapter's program of activities.
3. Plan for future activities.
4. Create interest among the membership in the activities of the chapter.
5. Keep the members in touch with the organization and with each other.
6. Provide leadership training through formal training and actual experience.
7. Provide civic education to members through speakers or other means.
8. Provide fellowship.

Board meetings and project committee meetings have different objectives.

Meetings must be planned ahead and must include:

1. Good agenda.
2. Good speaker.
3. Good venue.
4. Good food.
5. Good facilities.

The meeting must be very well publicized and promote the speaker, the main points of the agenda, the learning opportunities and an special attraction.

Transparency Chapters have different rules and procedures regarding meetings. Usually the chapter holds one General Membership meeting once a month, with one Executive and one Board of Directors meeting in between. The Commissions and project committees are free to hold their meetings at any time, according to their convenience. General membership meetings fall into three basic categories:

1. Dinner meeting.

This meeting combines pleasure, education, and fellowship. It provides sufficient variety to appeal to the majority of member interests. The agenda of a typical meeting for a chapter that has only one General Membership meeting per month will usually include:

A. A brief review of the activities of the last month with reports from the Areas of Opportunity Vice Presidents on their respective projects.
B. General plans for the coming month.
C. Dinner.
D. A guest speaker with a hot or controversial topic of the moment that will interest the membership.
E. Recognition’s of the month.
F. Announcements and adjournment.

2. General business meeting.

This is a typical meeting for a chapter that requires the approval of the general membership for most of the administrative business of the chapter. It has the advantage that members have more opportunities to speak and decide on chapter business. This meeting is normally held twice a month, and the agenda may include:

A. Discussion and approval of the minutes from last meeting.
B. Reports from the members of the Board of Directors.
C. Reports on the projects
D. Any business from the previous meeting.
E. New business.
F. Training session.
G. General issues.
H. Announcements and adjournment.

3. Luncheon meeting.

This type of meeting is usually held in large metropolitan areas, where members don't have the time or facility to meet on weekends or evenings because of commuting and distance problems. This is a very short meeting, and the agenda must go straight to the point, delegating to the Board of Directors the authority to run the chapter's administrative business. The agenda may include:

A. Discussion and decisions on major issues of current and future activities.
B. Any new business that should be considered by the general membership.
C. Announcements and adjournment.

No matter what kind of meeting your membership adopts, there are some fundamental issues that must be taken into consideration:

1. Notification. Members should be notified of the upcoming meetings by mail or telephone. A short note with the main attractions and issues to be discussed can be mailed to all members. Officers who are expected to present reports should be informed of what is expected from them.

2. Agenda. With rare exceptions, the President or Secretary should have a prepared agenda to be distributed to the members prior to the start of the meeting. This will expedite the meeting and make it more productive.

3. Minutes. Minutes should be kept by the Secretary and copies of summaries from the previous meeting distributed to the members at the beginning of each meeting. If required by the chapter, the approval of the minutes should be the first thing on the agenda.

4. Length. If the President runs the meetings properly, most should be kept within a two-hour limit. If enough responsibility and authority are delegated to the Board members, the Commission Directors and the Project Chairmen, the agenda of the meeting should only include major issues and short training sessions.

5. Follow up. A few days after the meeting, all members who accepted any task or responsibility should be notified with clear instructions on what is expected and exactly what was decided during the meeting.

Local Action Guide: Good Chapter Meetings.

Local Action Guide: Brainstorming.

Local Action Guide: Parliamentary Procedures.

Local Action Guide: Protocol.

Activity Divide the participants into small groups. Ask them to meet for ten minutes and come up with an attractive proposal for the chapter's General Membership meeting.



o Is the purpose of the meeting defined?
o Is the agenda planned and written?
o Have minutes of previous meetings been prepared and mailed to the members?
o Do the officers understand on what they are expected to report?
o Has notice of the meeting, with time and location, been given to the membership?
o Has the guest speaker been contacted and confirmed the following issues:
o The subject to be covered?
o The time limit of the speech?
o Who will meet the guest speaker upon his arrival?
o Is the information for the introduction of the speaker ready?
o Have meals been arranged, including menu, cost, minimum guarantees, serving time, etc.?
o Have arrangements been made for audio-visual equipment and microphone?
o Is there a backup for the guest speaker?
o Has meeting room been booked, room lay-out sent, including table arrangement, etc.?
o Have gifts for the speaker been arranged?
o Have recognition plaques (or certificates) been arranged for and engraved?
o Is the news media needed at the meeting and have they been invited?
o Is there a need for name tags or name plates and have they been ordered?
o Are the flags ready?
o Are the gavel, podium, head table, banner, etc., ready and placed?
o Is decoration needed?


o Will the meeting start on time?
o Are officers prepared for their reports?
o Is the guest speaker ready for his speech?
o Are the gifts, plaques and certificates ready and handy?
o Are the agenda and other necessary supporting documents with you?
o Can you make eye contact with all members attending the meeting?
o Did you thank the members for attending the meeting?
o Did you cover all items on the agenda?
o Did every member have the opportunity to speak and give his opinion?
o Were all decisions made in a democratic way?
o Did you announce the date, place, time, and major attractions of the next meeting?
o Can you finish the meeting on time?


o Have thank-you letters been sent?
o Was the media informed about relevant issues discussed and approved?
o Have minutes been prepared?
o Have all commitments and assignments been confirmed and followed up?
o Is there any action needed as a result of a decision made during the meeting?
o Has the summary of the decisions been mailed to all members?
o Have all payments been made?



It is important to dedicate some time for a free discussion on any issue regarding the training session, the plans for the chapter's future, or ideas that can improve the performance of the Board of Directors.

Evaluation form


Transparency Participants should be free and comfortable to come up with positive ideas to enhance the training session and the chapter's activities.

This is really not a time for negativism, but time for solutions and progress.

Discuss the text on the Transparency “You make more friends by becoming interest in other people than by trying to interest other people in yourself.”

A great year is in front of every member of the Board.

The chapter members have great expectations and are willing to dedicate time, energy, talent, efforts and money.

They expect the same from their leaders.

Transparency Discuss the text on the Transparency “Look ahead. No one becomes successful in the past.”

A very inspirational and motivational speech must be delivered at the end of the training course. The following convictions should be included in the speech:

1. Personal commitment and dedication are essential.

2. Team spirit should be the inspiration for group achievement.

3. Officers have only one year to accomplish many things. Start immediately.

4. Some goals will not be accomplished. The next year's officers may continue your work.
5. Respect the rules and policies of the chapter. Always support the President and fellow Board members.

6. Members will look at Board members as role models. Leadership by example should be the key standard during the year.

7. Aim to finish the year with the satisfaction of a job well done.

8. Always thank them for taking the opportunity to be chapter leaders.

9. The National Organization and Junior Chamber International have great expectations and are willing to help. Just ask.

Transparency A brief written or oral evaluation should be conducted in order to improve the training session for the next year.

Junior Chamber International
Session Evaluation Form
The questions below are designed to help us evaluate the program you have just completed and to pinpoint those areas that should be redesigned for future participants. Please take a few minutes of your time and answer as honestly and accurately as you can. You need not sign your name unless you wish to do so.

1. Please indicate your overall reaction to the training session just completed.

£ Very good £ Good £ Fair £ Poor

2. Did the topic presented relate to your needs?

£ A great deal £ Somewhat £ Very little £ Not at all

3. Will you be able to use and apply the material presented in your daily duties?

£ A great deal £ Somewhat £ Very little £ Not at all

4. Would you please give us your overall reaction to the way the trainer presented the session?

£ Very good £ Good £ Fair £ Poor

5. If used, what was your reaction to the visual aids that were used?

£ Very good £ Good £ Fair £ Poor

6. What was your reaction to the quality and content of the handout materials you received?

£ Very good £ Good £ Fair £ Poor

7. What suggestions do you have for improving this session?






Junior Chamber International
15645 Olive Boulevard, Chesterfield, MO 63017, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 (636) 449 3100 – Fax: +1 (636) 449 3107
E-Mail: – Website:

JCI Mission:

“To contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change.”

JCI Declaration of Principles:

"We believe:
· That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;
· That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
· That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;
· That government should be of laws rather than of men;
· That earth's great treasure lies in human personality;
· And that service to humanity is the best work of life."